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Building a relationship takes time and effort, but “to break the trick you have to play the role”- pimp c 🎲

When dealing with a cyber sugar daddy you will see that it’s more to do with filling void aka making sure there isn’t any distance (mentally and emotionally). You have to make them feel like they are the only ones on your mind , so they feel comfortable with providing for you and your needs financially. It is not always about sending them shopping carts and “cute lingerie you want them to buy”. Again that’s basic we get there when we  there. But answer this how many songs have sent them ? How many funny relationships memes? How many cute pictures? How many quotes ? How many poems ? Look here sis men like to feel special too !

The images attached are cute 💕quotes that you randomly text your POT or SD.


1. thinking of you 🙂 (send image ) 

2.saw this and thought of you love bug 🥰

3. This honestly how you make me feel babe , thanks so much for being my knight and shining armor.

If you have to ask yourself ... WHEN DO I ASK FOR MONEY? HOW DO I ASK FOR MONEY? LOL 

My answer : You’re doing it all wrong because If the relationship is built, there is literally nothing you wouldn’t feel comfortable asking for. 

A small gesture goes a long way ! You want instant gratification and you have not even built a strong bond with this man .... nah sis !

comment below thoughts 💭 I would love to hear them 🙌🏾

(please feel free to send these cute quotes out , make moves ladies) 

ALL ❤️! 




Exactly this!! You've already said this 100 times, hopefully somebody hears it today! And to add onto this, when a man feels like he loves you or feels like you're special, he will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he can to make you happy! I repeat: When a man feels like he loves you or feels like you're special he will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he can to make you happy! The REAL game is to capture his heart and the mind will follow and as a result you'll be able to live with your hand in his wallet! I'd suggest watching YT vids on "How to Make a Man Fall in Love" as well as “Reasons Men Fall in Love”. Making men fall in love is fairly easy as most people want to be in love especially the lonely! Make him feel you in his heart and he will give!!!


With this cornavirus I feel like there will be a spike in cyber babies 😩😂😂


Exactly!! I remember this being covered in "Ho Tactics" as well.