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This is a convo from someone in our finesse family.

There’s so many so many so many so many red flags with this guy.

1. There’s no emotion or  a physical connection in their marriage which could be a complete lie.( they use this Tactic to make you feel sorry for them )”hasn’t had miss in years “ yeah okay well addd more years to that sir cause it still won’t be happening!  

2. He says he is on the site looking for friendship BOY BYE YOU WANT TO MINGLE WITH BEAUTIFUL WOMEN FOR FREE YOU ARE NOT SLICK 🗣

3. He said “ I will treat you to dinner and drinks “  okay and we can treat ourselves to that ! That’s not special at all.

4. last but not least “I’m not a wealthy man” okay will go home to your damn WIFE then sir. Again he wants to spend time with a beautiful YOUNG Woman for free.

 He’s old and unattractive I would have him take me shopping TWICE! 

Ladies beware of these type of married men , they will lie and try to manipulate you just like they do their wives. Don’t feel sorry for them or try to strike deal with these men..IF HES MARRIED CHARGE DOUBLE , TRIPLE ETC !!!!

side note : I don’t deal with married sugar daddies at all . Too much drama , discretions and secrets. And I would never tell a man I was In abusive relationship or that I was devasted about it ...tbh that’s just starting off ghetto and they will see it as a Opportunity  to low! Ball ! You ! 






Question, (the answer is pretty obvious here) I always swipe them away “I’m looking for a lady friend for my girlfriend and I”😒


Yay, I finally got in the exclusive tier 💕🥰🥰