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At This point I will ignore you all together IDC! its not fair that i spend hours editing videos posting them & giving free games just to be asked the same sh*t over and over.

I have 7 finesse videos 8 if you want to include the one that is patron only.

Oh another thing I am not tech support .. so if you are having issues with bumble, hinge add me app, patron , youtube... CONTACT THEM!.

Not only are girls asking the same questions , they are being super rude about it.. like how you gone ask me something I answered numerous times in numerous videos, then have the audacity to be rude... HOW DOES that work!I am trying  say this in the nicest way possible if the game is not for you that is OKAY! It is not for everyone!

If this does not apply to you then take it anyway expect personal..  however if it applies take it personal 💅🏿

All love,





Love how you’re still trying to be respectful despiste how ANNOYING IT IS ! I get annoyed for you every time i see people asking the same questions, like you obviously have not watched all the videos 🥱🤦🏼‍♀️


I ain't even been here that long and these folks in these comments already annoying me sis 🙄🙄