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Probably this is one of the most important polls I've done so far, because you'll help me to decide how long No More Kings will be.

Let me explain that:

You know NMK  is about a group of friends doing roleplay. In the first part we watched the Squint's story. Now we're watching the Hyena's story.

Later will be come the buffalo's story, next will come the Goro + the zebros's story, and finally the gazelle story. (those stories will be shorter than the previous one)

BUT I've noticed that the popularity of the comic have been decreasing since the roleplay twist was revealed, and that makes me wonder if people are still interested in the comic. (I'm really concerned about that)

So, the question is: Should I finish the comic at the end of Hyena's story? or Should I continue with all the stories from all the characters?

After finish NMK I'll start a new comic, but instead of drawing 3 pages of that new comic, I'll draw only 2 pages BUT I'll draw an extra page of Love Shogunato. So, each month I would draw  4 pages of Love Shogunato and 2 pages of the new comic. (so I would keep drawing the current 6 comic pages at month)


Mr. Morebucks

I think the stories are fun and cute, but if you feel inspired to do other projects, that's okay, though! You're a great artist. :)


I agree! I like your stories. If YOU think it's time to move on, then explore other ideas. I'll follow wherever you decide to lead...