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Guys I have a food intoxication and I've been with fever, vomits and pain since monday. I'm recovering now and taking my pills, fortunately I won't have to be hospitalized. 

This WONT affect to the rewards of this month, 

I'll upload all the rewards soon as possible.

Even if I upload all the rewards in the last week of the month, you'll get, as always, 2 illustrations, 1 animation and 4 comic pages as usually.

Thanks a lot.



Leobo senpai just rest and we know Take your time to heal


Oh no! Hope you feel better soon, that must really suck. Wishing you all the best.


You poor thing take as long as you need


Oh no, that's awful 😱 Get well soon ❤️🥺


Aw poor thing. Take it easy and hope you recover quickly. ❤️💛

Leonidas Dash

Awe... so sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon big guy 🥺


Aww fluff please be safe and stay healthy 💜 all the love to you 🤗


Remember to follow the instructions on the ondansetron!


Take care, man! Don't worry about the rewards, health is always number one priority


Honestly please don’t overextend yourself. Take care of yourself first. I hope you feel better


Are you INSANE? Take some time for yourself! Things happen


Si hay que retrasar las recompensas se retrasan. Asegúrate de estar sano antes. Espero que ya vaya mejor

Mr. Morebucks

Hey, if it does impact your work, it's okay! Wishing you a speedy recovery!