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Hey everyone, I meant to send this last night but fell asleep before I could. So, just some updates and a bit more of an idea about the situation. I am going to be taking a break before I look to set up any alternatives like Subscribestar and Fanbox. Dealing with the archiving was such a drain that it did a number on my mental health.

So while I won't be officially updating or posting anything here, it will remain until I set up a major alternative. Right now, I did set up a kofi, but that's only if you want to donate to me.

However, even though my Patreon is going down lets have a little fun with this, this way at least we can say. “We are getting something out of this.”

So for this, throw me a story idea that makes light of this situation. I don’t know if it will be 2 victors like what I have been doing, but let's have fun. Just something to make light of this whole mess, while not being directed at Patreon or any member of it specifically since I do not want to open that can of worms for harassment. Even if I'm not happy about this, the people I talked to don't deserve my ire. You can transform me, you guys, or something, but it has to make light of this situation.

I'll keep this up for about a week, so until November 3rd. Then I'll throw up a poll link in my discord.

Again thank you everyone for all the support you have shown me, and I hope you will support me in the future.



Since no one else is suggesting, how bout an alternate take on fourth wall doesn’t prevent TG where you TG yourself while writing one final TG for the patreon.