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A gurgle came from his stomach that made Loid’s cheeks bloat up. He tried to school his face, but it proved to be futile. With a heavy breath he was able to regain a small measure of control over himself.

There was a slimming appearance to his figure. His waist kept getting smaller, thinly veiled by the coat he was wearing. It kept trimming around, his midsection hardening. Some of the mass dragged further down his body. Another groan came out as th pressure only increased. A faint blush came to his face as he shook his head. A rugged gasp came out as the threshold reached an apex and relaxed.

Loid put his hands on his waist and could tell it was altered. The subtle curve the sides of it had, were becoming more prevalent with every passing second. For a moment, all of the confusion he had about the situation passed and again he could explore his body without issue.

He touched the front of his stomach and could feel none of his hardened muscles. All he felt was a trim-fit stomach. No matter how hard he pushed, his fingers hardly went in. Fear wormed its way through his body as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He pulled it up, revealing the slimmer gut he had there now. The smooth flat stomach made him want to puke.

“Yet…why…why does this seem to feel so natural.”

Loid immediately let go of the edges of his cloth, unable to stop himself from holding them. The moment they were down, calmness came over him as if he had wrapped himself in a heavy jacket.


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