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  • HospitalComic94_Timelapse.mp4



It's been awhile since the last time we saw Mona destroy someone's pelvis, so she's just making sure she defends her title as the Pelvis Buster lol

After I drew that comic about the "sitting too long = blood clot" thing, I realized that it was pretty neat to use the whole nurse theme as a way to share little pieces of actual medical tips (mixed with a bit of sexiness, of course). Granted, I'm not an actual doctor (surprise, surprise) so I'm just sharing some stuff that I'm fairly sure about - just take it with a grain of salt. I'm totally down for making more like this though! Just gotta think up some fun little sexual health tips to share...

For my Webtoons readers, you might have noticed that this one seems to have disappeared! Well, there's a pretty good reason for that:

Haha, it's no biggie though! This happens sometimes - I usually just make censored versions of any panels that are too lewd, and then they restore the episode. Unfortunately, however, I have no idea how I would censor this one. I assume the problem is the depiction of "squirt fluids" (pee) blasted all over the wall, but I can't really remove/censor that because it's kinda the entire joke! This might be one comic I have to leave off Webtoons! D:

In any case, I hope your week is going well so far! We're halfway through it by now, but that sweet, sweet weekend is just around the corner 💚



Deso's Prophet

Holy shit, this is on WEBTOONS?


Yup! Although, some episodes had to be censored to fit the content guidelines lol you can find it here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/veronica-mona/list?title_no=840044