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"Ah, High School... a time of personal growth, blossoming romance, and random boners."


Today's comic was based on a suggestion pulled from the Sketch Ideas Pool! Here's the submission:

"I really liked that one bonus panel where Layla was a nerd in a school uniform. Could we get a whole comic where they're in high school? I know your comics are usually sexual though, so that might be tricky lol"

Dear reader, you underestimate how far I'm willing to stretch your suspension of disbelief. However, Layla and Veronica did not, in fact, attend the same high school - so here's an alternate universe peek at some more Non-Canon Shenanigans!

If you're wondering where Mona is, she's getting dressed up for the Bonus Panel - I'm still getting it polished up, so once it's all done soon, I'll ninja-edit it into this post!

Hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend! 💚

BONUS PANEL COMPLETE: "For some strange reason, students sitting behind Mona rarely pay attention to the lessons..."



Purple Floof

"aced" would have a lishp on it too


Someone wants to put their bookmark between the pages


Ah yes, more Veronica X Mona content to sustain me. They definitely need to try burying their faces together. In a book I mean. 🤓


Her braces are actually super cute! Amazing work!


Is VeroxLayla your OTP? I always thought VeroxMona would be more likely?


The Codex Astartes does support this action


Layla and Mona both like Veronica (Mona likes everyone, to be fair). Veronica is "straight", but has feelings she can't quite understand towards both Mona and Layla. She's still figuring herself out :)


On further evaluation, I'll just keep it lol I have no idea how to write "Aced" as a lisp without it becoming unreadable. Let's just say she lucked out and didn't lisp it :P


I hope they kiss... I like kissing...


Honestly it's the sign in front of the school that made me laugh 😂


I need to see Vero with nerdy braided twin tails now.


Damn, don’t you just hate it when the intrusive gay thoughts interrupt your bullying? All too common


It's the perfect amount of silly. You did great overall! 👍


Any hopes for a continuation to this?👀


This bonus panel is gonna be the best one yet, I can feel it


As the #1 Layla fan I approve of this 🙏


Hnnnng that bonus panel 🥵


That bonus panel got me acting unwise

Henry Johnson

Hmmm, huh? Sorry, what pen? I was distracted looking at something


Mona is too dangerous to be in public school 😂. I definitely love this bonus panel. Also what class is she in??? Seems like health class to me but we never went over this 😂


My face us gonna be buried, but not in a book


Any class that Victoria teaches eventually becomes a Sex Ed class. She's a little too passionate about procreation.


Well with Victoria leading the class maybe the boys will be more "engaged" with school work. But then again they might be to distracted to pay attention to what she's teaching 😂


Also I wonder if Monica works at the school too?

Jesus Gonzalez

The froce is strong with that chair


I knew this bonus panel would be the best. Thanks for the doughnut


I don't think anyone could blame Vero for being turned on by bully Layla being all tall and domineering like that 🥵


I agree, it is absolutely perfect, I'm still laughing

Obii Maul

What pen? All I can see is ass.


Am i the only one pondering how can a sex ed class can fit advanced math???