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"I am sworn to carry your burdens..."


I had a bit of art block, so I figured it was time to dip into the Sketch Ideas Pool! Here's the request from todays lucky winner(s?):

"More mona butthole. In any situation, I just love seeing her donut"

...truly, my Patrons buttlust cannot be sated. Since this one was a bit of a simple request, I figured I could use it for the bonus panel and pull a second idea for the comic!

"I love the nurse content, but my favorites are probably the fantasy-themed stuff. The nurses are always the monsters, but what if they were the knights instead?"

So here's both ideas combined! For the bonus panel, here's the last thing that poor skeleton saw before getting turned into dust 💙

NOTE: WHOA, so I guess the Patreon website updated recently? Some things look pretty different... I've got mixed feelings about it lol I hope everything still works normally




Legends say that the lich's crystal is still being used as a but plug to this day.


Why did I not receive notifications before being in the mood 😭😭😭


I’m here specifically for Mona’s donut. Thank you for your service sir

Obii Maul

I guess the floor wasn’t built to withstand buns of steel