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"Well, it looks like the spell was a... huge success... I'd better test it out though, just to be sure..."


Hey everyone! I'm a bit scrambled at the moment, since I totally forgot February only has 28 days and my job has kept me pretty tied up the last two weeks. In regards to Headspace v.20, I'm definitely gonna need more time to get things as polished as I'd like, especially since I was hoping to wrap up the Office chapter this next update. There's still quite a bit left to do, but I'll be sure to update you all on that as soon as I can!

On the bright side, I've been making great progress on the Layla animation - it's currently sitting at 1775 frames, which is about 1min 15secs long! It's been awhile since the last time I made a full lewd animation involving the nurses, so this has been a nice change of pace :) Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy it within the next few days! 💜


Jesus Gonzalez

Take all the time you need. This is going to be epic.

Leon K

She looks like she has ascended to a new state of existence.