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Veronica doesn't believe in "magic", despite some of the unexplainable things Layla manages to do. That said, she can't deny that Layla's strange methods have their uses... 💜


PHEW, it's been a couple days since the last comic! I've been so busy this past week getting Headspace in tip-top shape for the new release today, so now I can finally breathe a little easier. I've got some ideas for a new Comic Poll coming up, where you can vote on what the comic end-result will be (just like the previous one), so there's a neat little thing to look forward to.

Thanks to all my lovely patrons for sticking with me for another month! 💚




AH, damn it - I knew I was forgetting something! I'll get the Bonus Panel whipped up later tonight, if not tomorrow morning. Sorry about that!


This looks perfect!! Sooooooo excited for the bonus pannel!! Keep up the perfect work Loop!


Don't sweat it, Doc, you been busy. And thanks for the bonus panel, looking forward to it.