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"It tolls for thee..."


BLEGH, doing forest-y backgrounds always takes way more time than I anticipate. Next time, I'm just gonna have this troll guy (or Trollbert, if you will) standing in a barren desert.

As always, I'll get the bonus panel edited into this post as soon as it's all nicely polished up (don't worry - he's not gonna be in the bonus panel lol). For the moment, hope you guys are having a relaxing Saturday!

BONUS PANEL(S) COMPLETE: "Layla's "Summon Cock" spell is one of her most potent spells, so whenever she casts it, she usually needs some help dispelling it afterwards. Luckily, her trusty Priestess is always willing to lend some aid!"

EDIT: For anyone not into the "stomach bulge" aspect, I've added a secondary version without it :)




Well? Don’t just stand there, do SOMETHING!!!!

Adam D

Haha, is that a Billy & Mandy reference? 🤣 Loved that show

Zayne Shipley

First love the Hemingway parody of the title that's actually a great book second love the surprise twist at the end top teir comedy right there and third ngl but I would do what the troll should be doing


I humbly volunteer to take his place. No one else need apply. I got this


LETSSSSS GOOOO!!! MORE LAYLA CONTENT!!! As the #1 Layla fan I approve

Darkmeer D.

This made me laugh way too hard, great job!


Dick as in Douchebag I presume?


The only way to teach an ugly bastard. Out dickem!!!

Ghirox -星の大勇者-

Ha, looks like he doesn't even need to crouch, he can blow her standing up.

Obii Maul

That might be true, but at that size she could definitely suck it herself.

E cannady

I love how a one time joke has become canon

Richard Incandela

Please please please let’s have witch futa Vero as a sticker


Just like a wise Jedi once said, 'There's always a bigger dick'


Lmao! That Troll got put in his place.

Leon K



The troll reminds me of Stinky from the Moomins


I love how because of that one April fool, Layla canonically has a huge cock every time she can 😂


It's getting to the point where I really cannot tell if Layla has a cock in a strip or not. Not sure if that makes me excited or mildly disturbed.

Nico Morales

When it comes to your art, you’re like a cock during puberty because you always go hard with every comic and the production value keeps getting bigger.


I mean, she COULD suck herself off…


I never know what to expect. This is gold

Justin Daniels

I would not hesitate, for even a second, to suck her cock

Obii Maul

Also, the witch outfit is super sexy. Layla should definitely wear that again.

Tshad Oswald



Eh, the stomach bulging ruins the bonus panel for me, frankly.

Jesus Gonzalez

Layla only has big ass cock spells. Sorry Veronica


Loving Layla and her cock spells


Hmm, that's a good point - stomach bulging might not be for everyone! Gimmie one sec...


Woo Damn. Them bonus panels. Peak stuff there

Purple Floof

For anyone not into the "stomach bulge" aspect - COWARD.


more futa!? From the Lord of the lewd!? Today is a joyous day! You bless our eyes with such illustrious works!!. But nah this came out great, you really make such amazing works arguably my favorite butthole artist and that's a long list lol hope you have a wonderful day.


I should be the one thankin you silly ya did great proud of your skill as an artist, especially with having a distinct style that's how I know you're the real deal 👏.


That belly bulge hits different in a good way. Seeing Vero always satisfy Layla in these fantasy settings is sooo good.


Oh wow those bonus panels are AMAZING, such a nice bulge 👀


Holy HNNNNG 🥵🥵🥵


Now that is what Vero wanted all this time and there you go! She got it at least. :3


Daaaamn this was a awesome comic strip and that futa was so beautiful

Obii Maul

Actually depending on the Goddess she serves this could be considered proper behavior and or worship. So Doc, which Goddess?

Obii Maul

So, probably Freyja, Aphrodite, or Ishtar. All three are goddesses of love, lust, and sex specificly, but I couldn’t find any on anal sex. Lol


Is there a non milk version?


Sure, I can just disable that layer! Here you go: https://mega.nz/file/kL9zhJIa#KesNx6CuZZogHJ3MixyIjzXh128FXq7Wi1-W2I4a5AQ