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"Meanwhile, in an alternate universe where Veronica and Mona are Harpies..."


It's about time we pulled another Monstergirl request from the Sketch Ideas Pool! Today's submission requested:

"Ok we've seen Land and Sea monsters from when they were mermaids and snakegirls, so now we need the Sky! I love when harpies are drawn with flat chests and thick thighs, so I think Mona would be perfect as one"

Well, Veronica is here to prove that Harpies can have huge milkers too! (What do you MEAN "birds aren't mammals"!?). Mona certainly has the proportions, but unfortunately, she's also a bit bird-brained...

I've got some sketches for the bonus panel already whipped up, so I'm excited to share it with you once it's all nicely polished up :D Also, it's Friday! Wooo!

EDIT - Bonus Panel Complete! - "Even in the world of Harpies, predatory Cuckoos still exist that leech off unsuspecting parents. It's a lot sexier than real Cuckoo's, at least."



Obii Maul

I find it really hard to believe that Mona has not overcome her gag reflex completely.