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Episode 2 'Ghosts'

Silver /GOLD Tier 14.02.21


Person Of Interest S01e02 Full Length.mp4

Ghosts: c



Amazing reaction! I’m not sure if this is the place to suggest something like this but with this show, it would be AMAZING if you could possibly consider pumping them out a little faster if possible. This is just my excitement and impatience talking😂 I just figured since the earlier episodes are sort of “episode of the week” it would provide for a little more content. I do understand the gravity of my suggestion and the fact that I’m pretty much suggesting do more work😂 just figured I would throw it out there. Again: Great reaction, keep it up.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Ghosts- Thank you so much, Greywolf! I really enjoyed your reaction for this episode very much. As always, this episode for this show is really great, and I am absolutely loving your reactions throughout these first two episode reactions. :) Reese and Finch are both such intricate and unique characters whom I really love, as I love the actors who play them too. Especially Jim Caviezel who plays Reese. I love how mysterious they both are and how much of a badass Reese is. I really love Theresa's character in this episode. She's got spunk, as well as a hardness to her that is most certainly understandable. And you can absolutely see that she is a girl who's been on the run, struggling to survive for the last two years, especially upon witnessing her family being killed in front of her. As for what Finch tells his friend, Nathan about the Machine and what they built it for within the flashbacks... Finch is saying that he built it to help save everyone... meaning multiple people by preventing terrorist attacks like on 9/11. Not for simply saving one person a t a time. However, at some point later down the road, the individuals whose numbers keep coming up and then are getting erased every night at midnight, eventually comes to take too much of a toll on him and his guilt became too much. Hence the reason why Finch hires Reese to help him save those individuals, knowing he can't do so all on his own. As for this episode's main storyline with the young woman, Theresa... I really love how brave she is and of course I understand why she doesn't trust so easily. It's so sad, but I'm so happy that she still has family she could return to once Reese and Finch saved her life and stopped the bad guys. Such a beautiful moment in the end when she and her aunt are reunited. I love how Carter is still looking for Reese, otherwise known as "the man in the suit". And yet Reese is always two steps ahead of her. Then he later calls Carter to get her to come out and find the girl, knowing that she would be safe with Carter. I also love how Reese uses Fusco to get information. I love the banter between them. In regards to Finch's friend and business partner, Nathan, within the flashbacks... I really enjoy his character a lot as well. And I remember becoming so intrigued by who he is to Finch, as well as to the Machine. I really like the backstory with Finch and his friend who we learn was once the face of their business, and how his friend is the one who shows regret and sadness that Finch appears to be able to suppress any emotion towards those who are deemed irrelevant by the machine. The mystery behind Finch's storyline is most definitely intriguing. One of my favorite scenes comes in the very beginning when Reese saves the cheating husband in the elevator. I also really love Reese's' scenes with Detective Fusco too. As well as the ending between Carter and Theresa, who is simply seeking to be protected and safe again at last. As for how Carter would have known to go up to the girl in the park... Carter catches wind of this case aside from simply finding the "man in the suit" was the uncle after the uncle wound up dead and she would have learned about the girl and possibly that she was still alive and being chased after during her search for answers.. Upon seeing the girl from her case in the distance, Carter knew why Reese had called her there to the park was so she could help her and she immediately went over to do so. Plus... the girl is wearing a suit jacket, which is a bit unusual unless something traumatic might have happened. In regards to Theresa's uncle and him getting killed by the hitman for refusing to talk... while he is despicable for getting so caught up with these bad guys and because he allowed his brother to get in so deep with these other criminals who eventually come to killing him and his family, I still always wind up feeling bad for him in the scene towards the end of this episode. Not only because he's killed, but more so because I appreciate how he finally stands up for his niece and protects her, in spite of recognizing he's about to die. He didn't deserve to die, that's for sure. I love Reese's fight with the hitman inside the laundromat, and seeing Reese even fail to outmatch him when they're fighting hand to hand, only for Reese to suddenly shoot him in his chest after being thrown through the glass window, showing us that Reese will definitely kill if he has to. And in his killer's case... Reese had no choice but to kill him in both fights, as the killer survives the laundromat fight because he is wearing a bulletproof vest, then is finally later killed inside the hotel once Reese shoots him first in the leg to take him down, then in the chest to stop him once and for all before he takes his chance to kill Theresa and Finch. This show is full of brilliant fight scenes, and I am so happy that you feel they are filmed as though they are from a movie as well. I couldn't agree more. As well as the acting. So, so, so incredible. :) Oh... and lastly, I absolutely love the scene outside of the bar between Reese and Fusco, when Fusco questions Reese's plan to walk inside looking for answers about who killed Theresa's family. Reese is stoically humorous, while Fusco just looks back at him through the rearview mirror like he's crazy, as Reese looks at him as well. I love it!! I absolutely love the dry, witty humor all throughout this show!! Thank you so much again, my friend! I look forward to more reactions for this phenomenal show like always. Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi