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Oppo was found lost and abandoned when they were just an egg in the heart of Nos Vega. Whether they were intentionally left or not, they never knew, but they never let that hold them back from living their life to the fullest.

Raised in an orphanage in Nos Vega, Oppo was a friendly and charismatic young Arcnos, with plenty of friends to keep them company. When they were grown they left the orphanage for their first job in the city -- one in the mecha arenas, where their responsibilities included cleaning up the ruined parts of mecha after the matches.

Oppo worked these kinds of jobs for years before leaving to pursue a venture of their own. They purchased a plot of land near the edge of the city, built The Arc, and converted the remainder of the land into a junkyard.

Today Oppo has many employees -- from the staff who run the bar, club, and casino in The Arc, to the junkers who scavenge parts for the junkyard, Oppo's most lucrative business, where they trade and sell parts for bots, mecha, and all other kinds of technology, sometimes including the illegal sale of weapons.

Over the years Oppo has become a prominent name in the city, and has made many contacts. They have business dealings with many different kinds of people throughout Teranium, and even a few on Cursa, including Alisa Armbrust.

Though sometimes they can seem shady and even a bit awkward, Oppo has been a good friend to the A6 crew through the years. They have known Bash the longest, meeting him when he was just a teen fighting in the arenas, and the two of them quickly became friends.

Next their path crossed with Damon and Vexx, when the two young men were working jobs for the K'Merii and would frequent The Arc. 

Calderon already had some knowledge of the Arcnos from his time in the Guard, and after the young Commander and Ayame escaped Goldis they met up with Oppo trying to trade the Guard ship they stole. Oppo directed the pair to someone who would be willing to trade for such a thing, and had many other business dealings with the crew in the future.

Lastly they met June after he became a member of the A6 crew, though they've always been terrified of the man, and the two have never really become friends.

Oppo's stance in the current events is aligned with the crews, and while many of their business dealings in the past have been with less than reputable characters, some of which have been K'Merii, they stand against Zovack and his rule (though they probably won't be shouting that in the streets, they have businesses to run after all).


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