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  Hello Friends! Here's a little extra animation of Akumi in a costume for funsies! She's so cute! Playing with different designs on her here as well. Simpler facial features.

Once I finish posting some of the bullet points mentioned in my last post, I'll be doing an overhaul on my priorities.

( By the way, the Overwatch Weekly vote for Mei ends Tomorrow so get your vote in! )  

The weekly NSFW animation will continue but my main focus will go to Akumi animations. I think we can all agree seeing some full animations and episodes will be far more satisfying than little animation bits here and there.  

So that's just something I wanted to mention here. Some of you are here for the NSFW content and some for Akumi. But it's the combination of both of those things that will take us to the next level. Be ready for several post updates this week! Onwards and Upwards!





Why do I get the feeling she's gonna give me the laser eye?


Very cool design. I'm more into DC's heroes myself (Though your take on Eddie Brock Venom would be amazing) so this automatically got a like from me. The shoes aren't exactly crimefighting material but who's complaining? I noticed that the sharm angular chin has been traded in for a more circular head. Was that a conscious design choice or was it a more natural evolution? And is it the new Akumi headshape? Also, I went to your twitch channel to watch your livestreams but noticed they are no longer there :(


This drawing reminds me of Capcom Designs. I absolutely loved and was inspired by the 2d sprite Marvel vs Capcom arcade games. I want to capture that exaggerated proportions and energy again. Oh yeah heels on my girls is always just for sexiness. The Akum face design changes are just for fun, whether they're permanent, we'll have to see when we get into Akum animations. But I do like the simplicity. The Twitch videos are automatically deleted after a certain amount of time. Unfortunately, I don't even have copies of what I recorded there. Guess it's cheaper for them not to keep the videos on their server.


The animations were beautiful for that game. I've recently finished Young Justice and Justice League/Justice League Unlimited on netflix and I really enjoyed the animation on those shows. They've held up remarkably well over the years. The pen and paper rpg I play with my friends is Age of Rebellion/Edge of the Empire. It is more narrative and relies on symbol die rather than numbered die, so that's always an option as well if Dave's wondering about options.


Her legs are... erotically weird.


Cool. But odd O.o


Haha yeah it's that pushed proportions. But this is how I move my arts to the next level.


Now that's the hero we all need. ;D


The look on her face is kinda menacing. Like she would have just gone from good to bad just like Superman from the Injustice games. Nice work :D


Thank you! :) I actually didn't realize how threatening her gaze was in this picture! Well now I know how to make her look serious.