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Thanks for having patience with me, folks. I'm exhausted and it completely saps creativity. Trying to bang out some stuff, but it's too soon to show you.

I'll get a poll up later today to vote on the next Pen Job style. Hopefully I'll be in shape to do some work this weekend.

(PS: I very much appreciate how mild COVID has been to me and how absolutely deadly and debilitating it has been to others. Believe me, I am counting my blessings that I'm just tired, especially given my immune and respiratory issues -before- I picked it up.)



the blessing of -vaccine- right?


Hey take your time and recover! Health is something that should be properly cared for, please take all the time needed to get back to (or at least a close to) 100% as possible


No worries, take your time! Hope you feel better as soon as possible!


Take all the time u need, Gnome. We'll b here once you've recovered.


Vaccine, booster and the antiviral paxlovid, which you can usually get free with a prescription (find a virtual / target clinic for a cheap visit). All in all, the antiviral cost less than my home COVID test ($25).


Rest and get well. I know from experience even mild COVID can be a beast.

Joe England

Best wishes, pal! Take as much time as you need!


Definitely rest. I've caught at least a couple of the variations of it. Just rest. We'll be here when you're better :-)


I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend and fortunate not to get too bad of a shake. Hope you're doing well as the weeks unfold!


Covid went through my friend group in the Spring and wrecked everyone. I hope your case stays mild and you feel better soon.


So sorry to hear it, G. We've been dealing with it the past three weeks and my daughter was in the hospital with covid-impacted appendicitis this past weekend. Really awful... Hope things get better soon!


My wife is still shaking off lingering effects, I'm back to about 90%. Thanks for asking!