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Hey, all!

So, after some thinking about how my Patreon output has changed, I decided the current tiers really don't fit what I'd like for this Patreon. The current "Sleepwalker: Dawn / Dusk" model is one I really like, thematically, but I'm just not able to keep the content for both groups consistent enough to justify having both a lewd and non-lewd tier. One of the two (usually Dusk) suffers. So I've decided, on September 1st, the Dusk tier is going away.

Dawn users will not need to change their plans at all. You'll see a name change to just "Sleepwalker", but otherwise the pricing, billing, etc will remain unchanged (see below for the content offering for the new Sleepwalker tier.)

Dusk users will have to choose a new tier; either by migrating to Sleepwalker: Dawn (which will be known as just "Sleepwalker" in September) or choosing one of the other tiers (Such as Dreamer or Morphean).

As for the other tiers, their rewards will be changing, slightly, to accommodate this change:

Sleeper: The Sleeper ($1) tier will follow the "Tip Jar" model, having access to all non-lewd commissions, public offerings, etc, 1 month later. What will make this different than public offerings is they will  have earlier access to commissions than the public (generally 1 week earlier notice).

Sleepwalker: The Sleepwalker tier will now have access to all pinups. Pinups are classified as all commission works, desktop backgrounds, fan-art characters, gift illustrations. If it's a single image, you all will see it. This is the bulk of my work, so choosing this tier will get you access to more work than you would have under the Dawn / Dusk model. You will also have access to all the comics published on the Patreon on or before August 1st, 2021. Lastly, you will have access to higher customization on commission requests than the sleeper tier.

Dreamer: Includes all the benefits of Sleepwalker. In addition, this tier has access to any comics I produce for Patreon. I'm going to try to be good about this, posting at least a 1 page comic per month (my goal is to try to hit 2 comics per month eventually). Lastly, this tier will have access to Patreon Pinups voting: Again, once per month, I'll offer a vote for a Patreon exclusive Pinup (that will appear nowhere else). Usually it will be either an "I pick the character, you pick the TF" or "You pick the character, I pick the TF" type of vote. Lastly, you will have access to higher customization on commission requests than the sleepwalker tier.

As my schedule allows, other exclusive offers maybe given to this tier, but we'll have to see what the future holds. As this is my most popular tier, I want to make sure that it's worth your while, so there will always be incentive for move and more to be added to this tier.

Mophean: Who could forget my Morpheans! The good news is you're not losing a single thing! You're going to see EVERYTHING the Patreon has to offer. In addition, I often drop sneak-peeks into the Discord for Morpheans, and it is the best tier to choose if you're a frequent commissioner, granting you more options for commission customization. Introducing: The GnomeMemo! 

The GnomeMemo ( /nōmˈmemˌō/ ): Say you are putting in a commission submission and you just weren't chosen. OH NO! Why? Well, usually, its because I just don't have time. Sure, but why was JoeyJoeJoeShbdw chosen and not you?
Now you will find out.

The GnomeMemo is a note from me letting you know why your particular commission slot wasn't chosen. In the note, I'll give the creative reasons why I didn't choose the piece, whether it might be chosen for the next round, or possibly whether I will ever likely take this idea. While I won't ever be out and out MEAN (these are, after all, ideas you chose me to do, so I will never take that for granted) I will be frank and as honest as I can be: sometimes certain ideas/characters don't appeal to me or my audience as much as they might to you. But the way I look at it, it's better you know that upfront.

Sometimes, this note isn't about rejection, but about tweaking your idea. Say, for instance, I like your idea, but I already have 5 hourglass expansion, and I would like to do just BE for your idea. Or, I like the TF, but not the character, I may ask if there's another you would choose. You are always free to decline my suggestions (in which case you're right where you were before) but your idea was given a second breath.

Anyway, those are the changes coming to the tiers. The benefits will start up August 1st, and the Dusk tier will no longer be available September 1st.

Thanks, and keep dreaming!



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