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Edit 2: Last chance to pop over to the board! I'm going to lock in the suggestions tomorrow (11/8) at 6:00 am (CST) and wipe the board (I'll leave the suggestions up, just so people can see who was suggested.)

Head over to the Gnome Illustration Discord and make your suggestions for both characters and for a twist on the Moovember theme!

Read this post on how to activate your Discord Role, if you haven't already!


Edit: just a reminder to all of you on Discord who are Morpheans and Dreamers: please hop on the stream-suggestions channel and give me some character suggestions for Moovember!

The theme for this week is Moo-vember! That's right, Cow TFs and Cow TGs. Divine bovines.

I'm trying something new to promote the Discord: I'm opening up suggestions there for all Dreamer and Morphean level patrons*. IF you have a character suggestion (or even a twist on the "Moo" theme) post them there!

* All patrons should be able to read the board, suggestions are limited to those tiers.

Note: I have no specific plan to make the cows divine, it's just a good enough rhyme.


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