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Everyone loves the fanart thing so much, that we're takin' it on the road! From this point, and until further notice, we'll be taking suggestions for fanart in Dreamkord #⁠fan_art_voting each month. 

If you're backing at the Votary level, you can vote in the polls, and if you're at the Art Attack tier, we'll include a print of the sketch *in addition to* whatever Dreamkeepers Art Attack item is headed your way.

(Note US backers get their monthly items shipped in a package once every couple months, and International backers we ship your collected items in a package once or twice a year). 

Note the fanart sketches might be simple pencil sketches, to make sure we can always work it into our schedule.   This IN ADDITION to our routine 'Sketch of the Month.'

New fleet members may wonder:  What's the Sketch of the Month?  Is that different from the Fanart sketches?


Every month backers in the Dreamkord suggest an idea based on our comic, Dreamkeepers.  (Archive binge to find your fave character.)  Ideas go in the #skom room, we pick our faves and put them on a poll for Votaries in the Patreon here, and voila!  More art, comin' your way.

We are harvesting ideas for the March Sketch of the Month TONIGHT in the Dreamkord!

You can share your suggestions...




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