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Based on the poll we did, I'm dedicating February art-ifacts to celebrate the top four poll choices!

First week: 1-7 Mistakes and deleted things

Second week: 8-14 Old Commissions

Third week: 15-21 Early Concept

Fourth week: 22-28 Naughty and censored art (check out the uncensored work in the Dreamkord NSFW section)

Check back each day to see something new on these topics!  Due to patreon rules, the naughty will be censored here, but I will post the piece uncensored in the NSFW area of the Dreamkord.  Dave will approve all of it, so if there is a problem, I can blame him.  This is a good plan.  Each piece will update that day, whenever I can, no specific time, starting the 22nd of Feb.  Tune in here for the voted on fun!