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Hey guys,

I thought I'd just chime in and let you know on a change I'd like to make going forward.

I want to cut one of the two pinups.  I started this patreon page in order to be able to do my own concepts and work that I wanted to work on. And while I do enjoy doing the fan art pinups.. I've found they burn me out pretty quick. I noticed this was a big reason why I felt a little claustrophobic every month since it's a lot of work, on top of stuff I've been wanting to draw for a while, AND commissions. All of which I have to do in order to stay afloat.

Usual Patreon Menu is the following:

  • OC Pinup
  • Fan Art Pinup
  • Mini Print

+ Anything else I make during the month

Another reason I'd like to cut my workload down is due to the fact I'm slower at art than I was when I started this patreon. (And this isn't really a bad thing) I want to spend the extra time I need on pieces and not feel rushed, and the way it stands right now is the fan art pinup slot puts extra pressure on me to pump out art at a less relaxed rate each month. 

 The whole quality over quantity argument is at play here. I want to give you quality work, maybe even more detailed stuff.

I feel like the majority of you enjoy my work as a whole, rather than just the fan art stuff I do.  And the more free I feel while doing art, the better the work I post will be!

The pause earlier in April and May has given me some time to think it over properly. I hope this isn't too much of a deal breaker for you. Believe me, I've been terrified of cutting rewards, I want to make sure you all enjoy what I post, but in the end I start worrying and stressing over whether or not I'm disappointing you. When in the beginning, this page was made in order to be able to make the work I find enjoyable, and have as much fun as possible. Instead it's become a lot of burnout and stress. 

I believe cutting this one piece will free up space for illustrations I would have otherwise had 0 time for previously.

What this means essentially:  I won't stop doing fan art. 

I'll be keeping one full pinup slot as always.. and I'll use it as an opportunity to do either a personal piece. Or if I've got an idea for it, I'll do a fan art piece. So essentially the main piece for the month will be up to me. Along with all the other pieces I do within the month.

Voting won't be going away. I'll be letting you guys vote on alt versions, outfits, and more. The only difference is it won't be every single month, and will change according to the piece/situation.

I'm working to figure out how to add/bring back some streaming rewards as well. So I hope you don't think I'm trying to swindle you out of your cash! I want my patreon to be something you enjoy, and feel is worth it. So please expect another update on some new rewards in the near future.

Another pro to this choice, is that I'll have more time for commissions. Currently my patreon menu takes precedence over my commission queue due to the fact that it's on a monthly deadline. But with one less piece to make the deadline, I can put that effort onto my clients.

Anyway, I really hope you guys don't mind. This isn't me trying to get away with something. I genuinely want to make a change so that I can provide you with better art, and make myself happier doing so.

If you have any questions at all, please let me know! I'm terrified about this change, I know some will leave.. but thats ok. I just hope you guys can understand my reasoning with this!

<3 Thank you so much for your support, it really means the world to me.

Love, Izzy xx



good move! 👍👍👍


I was hoping for this I want to see more of your dragons and OCs. Really exciting.