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Welcome to the first post on the CE Patreon page. Let's see how this thing goes.

Right now there's not much here, but in the future I might add special benefits , but not sure what those will be . 

perhaps an installer without advertisement

Or custom titles in the forum.

Or perhaps priority in the forum when asking questions. (I can't answer all questions, but I'll at least think longer about your question)

Your input is of course welcome as well


Adam Schaefer

hey CE im kinda…….well hella lost here just got into this code rendering scene like a week ago im trying to figure out does cheat engine have an auto install function for lets say patreon games where I just click point an boom mods an patches are loaded for me?


With the new CEshare extension that will be possible yes (assuming people publish their tables on there) But for now your best bet is to search websites that have cheat tables for your specific target (e.g fearlessrevolution.com)