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Hey, so i just wanted to do this quick post to let everyone know what im going to be working on this month and other things coming

B*SM Scene

So the new B*SM scene is coming along very well, i hope to have most of the animations for it done by half way through the month which will be perfect time for the next scene poll, my only thought with this though is that it will probably win however if people dont want it in the poll and i'll just continue at a slower pace then i can do that or i might add it to the poll as a "rush" kind of thing where if it wins ill have it done by the end of the month and if it doesnt it will probably be done some time next month but i'll see what you think

New Character Poll

With the new way of animating the heads it has allowed the process of adding character's to be sped up quite a bit, my thought is i can have another character poll this month but i think it should alternate between main stream and less well known characters maybe, i need to find a good way of having it so a few characters don't get most of the votes and its a closer battle but well see what you think. Anyway Mid month i will have another character poll if everything goes well with adding this new audio and we can start getting a lot more character's (However These Extra Character's Will Be Buy With Coins And Won't Get Their Own Quest Line Just Yet)

Unique And Generic Outfit's

I'm going to keep adding outfit's too all the scene's although i would like to hear which ones you want most and in what scene's i will ask on discord as well but you can let me know here and then maybe in a week's time i'll do a massive poll with lots of options and i'll work through them in that order from most voted down. It's going to be a lot of polls this month ahah

Character Voice's

This is the main thing i'm going to be adding this month as i want to try and get every character with a new voice and onto this new system, im hoping i can get them all done by mid month and the maybe i can start adding some variations to some of them aswell. The way this is going to work is going to be quite cool i think, so to start at the moment every character has 20 seconds of M*aning 10 seconds of soft stuff for the B*obJob and H*ndjob scene's and then a Cr*ampie.

Then what i want to do is add two more lots of the 20 seconds, 2 more lots of the 10 seconds and then maybe 3 more C*reampie's. What will happen then is every time one of the audio's comes to an end it will randomise which one you get next making it feel more unique i hope so yeh :D

Anything Else

I don't think there was anything else major i wanted to say but let me know if you have any problems or idea's. Also if any of the hair animation looks off, i'm still working on getting that perfect as it's a new way of animating for me but i think i'm getting there




Any possiblity of different male skin colors?


It would be nice to have all the characters available for all the scenes before adding new scenes

Matthew Joberns

i could do this now the only problem is with the x ray as there i cant really change the colour of the guy


I don't know if it's possible but maybe a option to change the emotion of the girl in any scene

Big Dawg

cowgirl pov?

Thomas Holt

I've been trying to figure out how to do the pregnancy route, it says the house has to be closed, and on the reception desk, but it won't let me hit the bell. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


feet job?