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I started messing with the Mermaid Songs only to add one for the scared emotion... and ended up reworking them all... 

They're very... lame in the game, and do nothing at all... SO...

1. I added the Kraken's Call, it will make the other sim very scared;

2. The Night’s Requiem have a stronger and longer effect;

3. Aegean's Question, instead of giving only a buff to make the sim tense, will actively sabotage them. While they have the buff, the sims chances of success in any interaction are lowered by -100, and skilling up will be harder;

4. Inspiring Berceuse, opposite of the one above;

5. Charmer’s Lullaby...

Ok... here is the good one. I really didn't agree with this one at all...

Performing this one will apparently be the same as vanilla, but your mermaid... they will know something's different...

And it is.. the sim you performed the Song on is now under the mermaid control. And if they stay close to the mermaid, the power will reveal itself:

They get this buff from proximity, and when they have this buff on, they're fully under the mermaid control, and she can manipulate them:

You can ask various things, a special one is asking to swim:

Asking them to swim is potentially sending them to die, and happily, since swimming while under the effect of this command will sink their needs:

If the sim stay away from the mermaid, they'll lose the buff, and go back to normal, if they go in her presence again, they'll get the back the buff.

Stay away from your mermaid too long, and this will happen:

Once the sim is under a mermaid control, there is only one way to break the charming:


Getting a Soulmate relationship with someone will break the mermaid power (this also includes the mermaid who has the sim under control)

Also, a sim with a Soulmate will be immune to this power (they will only get the standard buff) and cannot be placed under control

This mod needs the XML INJECTOR 

This mod also needs you to read the description. 

And I decided to really be a dick about this, so, if you have read up to this point, get your reward here, because the file attached to this post is a dummy.

Deadly Duels and Vampire Deadly Duel are updated to include some interactions you can use in this mod.



Fixed Command to Kiss not working




I just became Patreon to say this: The mods you make are AWESOME! Really really great! And what you did with the download here? AWESOME! ;) Love it! <3

Kellie Schiavone

Well THIS should be fun. Thank you!


I admit I fell for it lol, very clever


You are hilarious, I love your humor and enticing the need to read LOL


It looks fantastic! I am curious, how did you make the buff control every outcome. Can you manipulate success chance in every outcome with a buff not manipulating the actual interaction?


You mean the outcome of the powers? I altered the loots or the buffs because I didn't want to touch the interactions. In the charmer loot the adding of trait and relbits is tested against the sim having at least one soulmate relationship. If you mean the outcome of the charmer power, the buffs are added when the relbit that also controls the interactions between the mermaid and her subject are added. You can also use a buff to add another buff to a sim when running an interaction without having to touch the interaction itself (that's what I did for the swimming interactions)


Well maybe if people start to read there will be more time for the other people in the MCCC server to work on mods and stuff, since they'll have to answer questions that are answered in the descriptions of the mods a lot less.


I haven't played sims for a while but now I feel the uncontrollable urge again thanks to this mod (and the description). I also laughed so hard that Ramses -my old black cat- woke up on his nap behind the curtain in the sun and gave me one of his disapproving looks. Thank you <3


you are by far my favorite sims modder. your "I decided to be a dick about this" was amazing lmfao


Where is the link to download? The XML INJECTOR is the only one I see.


In the main page, moved to the IL tweaks and fixes post. I need to come around fixing the links