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This mod was huge and I'm very tired... anyway...


I'm not going to ask nicely.

First of all, this mod requires the XML INJECTOR 

This is a complete rework of how the careers are handled in game. It overrides Maxis careers tuning, and it's not compatible with anything does the same. It is compatible with all my mods and it's compatible with Required Degree for Promotions especially, as that mod touches no careers at all. This mod here is integrated with it and the degree bonuses you get here matches the career requirement in RDFP.

First effect of the mod: locking all the careers

All but the Freelancer career are locked, teen ones too.

If your sim already has a job they'll keep it.

NPCs are excluded from the system.

So, to unlock the careers, you need to go through some job finding steps...

There is a new skill: Job Finding

levelling up unlocks the careers, but not in the sense of allowing you to join...

It unlocks the possibility to contact them:

You can do it via the PC or phone:

Part Time jobs and regular jobs have two separate systems. The Part Time careers will consider employing you by just looking at your Resume and Cover Letter. More stable jobs will require an interview...

Just filling the form is often not enough, though:

You will get refused a lot... 

Companies never reply before 24 hours since you contact them, so consider the time factor too.

To help with the first selection, you can write a Resume and a Cover Letter:

The quality of the Resume and including a letter help making the companies more likely to at least consider you in this first phase. Education has a big weight too. And the answer to these questions:

will also affect the result.

If you're lucky enough to get an interview, the outcome of that will depend on:

Mood, Skills and your sim personality:

Some companies (ex: Military) discriminate against women (welcome to the real world, sims)

Some companies discriminate against men (Babysitter for example) 

ALL the companies discriminate against: pregnant sims, elders and are more likely to take YA.

If you feel you've been discriminated you can use the Recruitment Agency services to sue the company!

You must do it while your sims has one of the buffs from the interview outcome, it will probably NOT work, but can get you 50000 simoleons if it does.

The Agency has other services to help you:

Consulting: rises the Job Finding Skills and costs 175 simoleons 

Using the lawyers (to delete the records of having been fired, something that penalizes you in getting another job, or sue the companies) costs 1400 Simoleons.

There is also a Simked-In social service you can unlock that will deal with sending the applications for you and make you skip the first selection, they send them to random companies though, and not all of them are included (more prestigious jobs are not)

Teens are included in the system for the jobs they can get.

If you pass an interview you don't get assumed right away!

You still need to join a career Maxis way, it will only unlock it in Maxis menu, this to allow employed sims to look for other jobs while working.

If your sims have a relevant degree they can send the application to the companies the degree is valid for without skilling up first. 

The mod is separate in modules for management but they're all required. There are also cheats to unlock the careers on the menu. 

Bonus: this mod makes the High School grade visible in the UI. 


UPDATED: 02/02

Addon: family leave.

I play on a very long lifespan. By default, Maxis gives you the option to take the family leave only as long your sims have the pregnancy buffs/new baby buff/toddler buff... which is more or less 3 days after the kid is born... not nearly enough for e to even get to the toddler stage... so I added a new service to the Agency: take family leave.

You can activate this service while your sim has one of the Maxis buffs above, what it does is allowing you to take the family leave until you're ready to go back to work. I don't know how long the lifespan is in your game, so this gives you full control on the situation. When you're ready, end the family leave yourself from the Agency menu.

06/02 Added some missing strings.




Omg I love the amount of detail that went into this. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You work fast!!! Thank you so much for this ❤️ I’m so excited to play with this mod!


Things I love about just reading this mod: that you can be refused! That there is REAL JOB drama (i.e. sexism!). That when you have a job, you can still look for a BETTER job (which I may or may not be doing at this moment in time). That you can sue! That teens are INCLUDED! That you can see the High School grade! A RESUME FULL OF LIES! HAHAHAHA!!! Seriously, the depth of this? EA could never.... Thank you so much! This is more exciting than any new EA Sim content in the last year! I mean that.


Sims also have different reactions to things... Ambitious sims will not like uploading poor Resumes or having to accept part time jobs, for example


I am more and more excited for trying this out. So much details. It's for maxis careers only if I understand right. Can modders create addons for their custom careers, do you believe, if they want their career to also have this, or won't that be possible? (I think I will create a career later on for my mod WIP, and would be interested in this.)


The system is a bit complicated. I think I'll just release an empty template and a tutorial on how to edit it for custom careers


I`m excited to try this out! ^-^


This is dope! This adds another layer of realism. The details are everything. Thanks.


This sounds amazing. Can't wait to try it.


Thank you for adding more realism to the game.


I didn't know I needed this until you made it. Now I don't know how I ever lived without it. How did no one else think of this before now? You are a genius.


I love realism. I cannot stand the way maxis likes to paint things in pink... It's not by ignoring problems and sheltering kids from reality that you solve something... It's more the opposite. I love Dragon Age for the crude realism about discrimination, for example.


Whaow that looks awesome ! TY !


when you say huge, does that mean weaker computer shouldn't use it?


Huge for me because I had to do the same thing over and over again for all the careers... The mod relies on buffs and loots, and i didn't even use a potential outcome for the interview to not impact performances too much. Weaker computers shouldn't have problems.


Thank you soo much :)


Love this!!

Jocelyn Shanks

love this adds more realism


Hi this exception popped up. Is it still okay to play? [manus] Exception in ._tuning_loaded_callback. (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'career_levels')


You're missing a pack. This requires all packs. I can't separate it, sorry.


Compatible with custom careers?


Hi ! What is "testing career" please ? In "unlock testing career" I can't find it in the English game files so I have no idea of what career it is to translate it the right way ^^' Oh and I noticed some bugs : my Sim was able to write a cover letter before the level 4 of the skill and the buff with "(From Researching Job Opportunities)" doesnt show any title or description, only the corresponding mood. Hope this can help ! TY so much for creating this mod btw I'd been waiting for such a mod for ages ! <3


You have the debug options enabled. That's a debug interaction I used to test the system I was going to use for all the other careers. It does basically nothing but allowing me to test all of it without the 24h wait of the regular careers. I left it there in case of need, but it's not a cheat, it's debug. Thanks for reporting the bugs, I'll look into them!


Wow! Once again amazing mod! Can't wait to try it out! Keep the realism coming!


Amazing! I have a question though, how do job interviews work? My sim accepted the scheduled interview for the next day but nothing autonomous happened. Do I have to do something for them to go to the interview?


The interaction should be pushed autonomously with a critical priority. If it doesn't, you can click on your sim and send them once you get the notification that the interview is happening in an hour.


I have finally started on this process for one of my sims and first had to figure out what mod was causing me to not have any of the job options on my phone. So, I took out all my career mods - no luck - and then spent about two hours this morning removing mods and putting them back in and...the result is that this mod (https://modthesims.info/d/629276/eat-raw-fish-v1-1-and-cc-trait-raw-food-lover.html) conflicts. I don't actually use this trait ever anymore (I got over mermaids pretty quickly), but I'm still curious - what is the conflict?


It's a very well known issue with that mod and the XML injector. It's a rare case of script conflict... eat raw fish included a very early version of the injector script. There is an updated version of that mod in the comments section on MTS


Ah! I wondered if the XML MIGHT be the culprit. Thanks for the answer! And I will look into the comments. :)


Hello! This mod is nice, but I have a question! Under resume the only interaction I have is the upload resume full of lies? Anything I’m doing wrong?


Rise the job finding skill. Visit the Unemployment Agency for a quick start


Okay thank you!


the job interview option isn't in the phone menu for me I have read the whole posting twice did i miss a step


Hi ! Just noticed a small mistake while testing the mod : when my Sim reaches level 4 of the skill, the notification says she can write a resume. However, she could already do it starting level 3 not 4 , so i guess it's a typo ? :)


it's called contact a company under the career category, doesn't show in the magic realm, granite falls, and other destination worlds.


Oh, I noticed a missing string not showing after applying for a job. My Sim applied to different places, including the ecolifestyle career and the military one, so that may be a response from one of them (but she also applied for other jobs), here's a pic to show what it looks like : https://ibb.co/dGWcWhL


I'm enjoying this mod a whole lot!! I love that it takes EFFORT to get a job. I also love, love, love that resumes and cover letters take time. Thank you, again, for this awesome mod!! Are you still planning to put together a template/tutorial for setting up a custom career like this?


Okay this isn’t in your post. How do you make them go to the interview after theyve gotten the invite?


They should go automatically, but it was by reported that SNB Bills is causing problems with it if you don't have the full package. If they don't go automatically, then there is an interaction to send them. If the interaction is not there, and you get no notifications or anything, and you can still send a resume well after 24 hours from the call, then the mod is not working. There is another mod causing problems but I don't know which one.


I am very excited about this mod but for some reason just can't get it to work. I have done just about everything trying to fix it


The mod works in a very simple way, there is nothing complicated about my mods. What's not working?


What mods have a problem working this career mod? Is SNB bill mod or MCC command mod because it's not working. Help Please!


all mods overriding the careers tuning, not MCCC nor SNB Bills. What's the issue?


I love the idea of this mod but I don't know if it working correctly for me. It's loading on the phone but I can't find the job finding section on the computer. I look on the career option but there is nothing stating to write a resume or a cover sheet. Is there any mods that is conflicting this or am I just looking in the wrong place?


Can't conflict because it's new resources unless there is something messing with the injector (the only mod messing with it that I know about is Eat Raw Fish). the options are under career, you need to unlock them with the skill, go to the recruitment agency to get started


All my careers are lock but there is NO application on the phone or computer to apply. it did install the addon. Please help!!! what am I doing wrong? I unzip everything into my mod folder, I don't even have the recruitment agency.


Problem fixed. Wrong, the problem is not fixed.


hi so I got a job interview but when my sims go nothing happens time just speeds up he was at an interview for 2 DAYS!!! before I just canceled it cause nothing changed


tested the job interview a million of times, and never happened in vanilla game with just this mod inside. the interaction for the interview is the same for every career, test the mod alone and see if it happens.


Hello, should I remove the overrides folder that has the midnitetech careers from the other mod you created?


I think those custom careers haven't been updated in a while so I'd move out both careers and my addons honestly (I removed custom careers from my game now). The overrides folder can stay, it's useful for other things.


Hi, Im not sure what it is but when I go try to hit find job it glitch.


It glitch when I try to hit find a job on the computer then my sim will move from the computer like a glitch. Do mccc affect it?

EBX Boogie 2000

Hi, I'm new to your page and I just got your mod but I can't seem to figure out why it won't show up in my game... Could it be a conflict with another mod? I already have the latest XML injector installed.


nope, the only conflict with the injector i know about is a mod called eat raw fish, make sure you don't have that


Hey! Long-time fan, you do great work. I was hoping for a bit of help. I can't seem to find the place in the computer menu tree to write cover letters and resumes.


It's under Maxis career menu, you need the job finding skill to unlock the interactions (I always use maxis menus if I can)


Hi! I recently installed this mod and loved the first parts (raising the job finding skill and writing a cover letter etc), but when I finally tried to contact a company, nothing shows up in the pop-up menu. Because I use a lot of mods I often get corrupt save files, so I tried loading the game on a different computer account without any mods or cc except for this mod and the XML injector (I just unzipped the files in the mod-folder and left them as they are). But I still didn't see any options. Everything else seems to work, including the part time jobs menu. I do not own these 3 game packs: Star Wars, Vampires or Realm of Magic. Could this be the issue?


Hi Zero you might know already but just a heads up that a creator called “jmac13” has stolen this mod and uploaded it to Mod the Sims under the name “Improved Employment Opportunities” . I have reported it and a few others on Twitter have flagged it as stolen so hopefully it will be taken down soon! Maria.


Yeah I know ... what's problematic about that is not the fact that is was taken from here but the fact that the file inside the .rar is an .exe.


That apparently was taken down when I checked it on Mod The Sims. I am comparing a couple mods to see if they will work with what you made available here. I wonder if this mod will work with Kutto's Career Suite or not.


Unless he touched the career tunings file, it will (careers can be deleted from the main package to avoid conflicts, in any case, you'll miss nothing but the fact that they're locked with the mod)


Hello I can't find the link to ur Discord. My sims got a job and is sad about it


Nop ambitious


how do i get my sim to go to interviews and do a resume or cover letter. When I open the career menu its not there I'm at level 4 job finding


Hi ! Just wanted to let you know that this mod seems incompatible with the latest patch : my Sim succesfully got an interviewed but she stayed 7 -8 hours there, there were no chances cards and no result (positive or negative) telling her if she got the job or not :/ I also noticed that if I quit the game after the moment my Sim gets contacted for an interview, that interview never happens and I have to wait a few days til the Sim can apply again for the job, then wait 48-72h to get the call then another 48-78 hours to go to the rabbithole interview (if accepted); which I think is a bit constraining So just wanted to let you know about it, when you have some time to check it out. Thank you for advance !


Did you test the mod alone? Other mods can block the drama nodes of the calls.


Hello. Is there something that I'm doing wrong with the fill form for part-time job and request job interview menus being blank even after I send the sim for Recruitment Agency Services? Are they supposed to leave the lot to rabbit hole because my sim doesn't and same with the Consulting Service.


Just wanted to chime in - my sim is also unable to go to Consulting Services or Recruitment Agency Services. They walk off to the edge of the lot but never actually go to the rabbit hole.

Christine Reynolds

Hey, I've been having some problems with it too. When I get accepted for the job (part-time) nothing shows in terms of me having the job. SO I just end up applying again and the same thing persists. I'm able to go consulting, write resume/Cv, etc. but my sim will not attend interviews.

Christine Reynolds

Hey, yeah I joined the part time with no problem. The issue I have now is not attenting interviews. Are interviews not available over the weekend?


Hi, Im having a bit of an issue, when I click on the phone, there isn't the option to request an interview. The only options I have available is 'register with ministry', 'find odd job', 'sit in on skill class' and 'find a job' (jobs are all locked and asks to either join university of attend interview) any idea where I'm going wring?


Hi, do you mind explaining the interview process a bit? My sims got offered an interview, it said the interview would be tomorrow around this time. Now the next day came and went but there wasn't any options to go for the interview, idk if my sim was going to automatically go to it or what was supposed to happen. Thanks


Does this mod take below university grades into a account? I'm getting Last Exceptions when I try to get my teen to quit school through MCCC.

Sheila Lobert

I assume this does not work for custom careers? Are you considering adding any (like the midnitetech ones you've updated to require a degree? If not, would you consider doing a tutorial for us to add custom careers to the system ourselves? Would this work or conflict with the Unlimited Jobs mod by Turbodriver? I have wanted a mod like this for Sims 4 ever since I saw a similar one for sims 3 about a year ago, and I really appreciate you creating it! It's a hard choice between this, custom careers, and the ability to work multiple jobs, though. Even if I don't end up using it, thank you for making it. I'm really impressed!

Sheila Lobert

I tried it, and it seems to not conflict with unlimited jobs or custom careers in any game breaking ways, but it doesn't appear to integrate with them either. Like, if I use find a job, it uses the Turbo system and I get the job automatically, but I can still use yours for any EA careers for some storytelling story telling function, but menus come up blank, so there must be some conflict. Just sharing my findings in case you haven't tested this and someone else asks.


Hello, I see some people use translation to make money, do you allow such behavior?


I don't care what happens to my mods after I published them. According to EA policy, everything you do with the game belongs to them so once I post mods they are not mine anymore.


Hi, I redownloaded the latest version from yesterday but the "addon" folder is empty, did you choose to remove the addon family leave and careers lock ? TY for your hard work


No... I didn't even touch that folder, I don't know why it's empty. The addons didn't need updating anyway, you can keep the old version until I add them back


Hi, I just downloaded this mod. And I think everything is working apart it locking all the careers. My sim can consult with the agency, upload a resume full of lies, etc., but they still just get any job the old Maxis way. I haven't got to an interview stage yet, so I don't know if anything isn't working, but so far that seems to be the only thing. I tested it with no other mods and still had the same issue. Love the mod though, and I think I pretend they're locked out for now!


There is a career_lock add-on (let me know if there isn't, I might have forgotten it when I updated). Without that the lock will never work.


I am having the same issues careers are now unlocked. I noticed last download main file said July 27th this one says July 21st so not sure if that is the problem


Its not there only thing that is there is Career, Cheats, Main and Part-Time


i'm having trouble with this mod


For me it's not automatic. When it's time to go to the interview you should get a notification about it, then you can click on your sim and choose the 'go to the interview' option.


Sorry to bother you, I’ve tried to figure this out myself but I’m struggling to find an answer. The mod seems to work ok except for the fact that I can still get a job the normal way. Is that how it’s supposed to be? Should I just ignore that?


Hi, at what level is the acting career unlocked? I want my sim to be an actress and just want to know what level in career searching she has to have to be able to apply