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I see a lot of people having this problem, even in a game with no mods or CC at all. It's a problem with the game, the more you play, the more it lags... it started somewhere around the toddler patch.

I'm going to share what I found about it during my messing around with the game.

First thing that makes the Sims stuck:

Idle Animations - emotion idles, ages idles, specific idles like the ones in laundry day, trait idles... these are those little pointless animations the sims do every now and then... they are interactions that run on a clock, sometimes there are many of them that wait to run all together. You can notice this especially when your sims wake up... they sometimes gets stuck, waiting to do 3 or 4 idles all together. Disabling them either with MCCC, SCAM, or any other mod improves the autonomy a bit.

clientDB.package and localthumbcache.package getting too big. Always clean them. 


A lot of packages in your mod folders - it's not much the size of your mod folders that affects the performance, it's the number of packages you have inside the folder. I have 42 GB CC, my game runs well because those 42 GB are merged into 24 - 25 packages. So if you have a lot of CC, think about making a backup and merging them.

Too many script mods - I had 200. How much is too many depends on your system. You notice this especially with slow autonomy. So if you have mods you don't use just sitting there in your folder, make some cleaning.

Then, lagging and slow autonomy are just problems with the game, so you can try one of the various mods you can find around... I use THIS ONE and it made wonders in my game, but if you have one of the other problems I listed above no mod is going to help and complaining that it doesn't work is pointless.


Nea Emrys

Oh, I've never heard before that you should clean clientdb - interesting! Also, how do you merge packages?


Thank you for sharing. I use the same mod by Coolspear and I totally agree - it makes wonders.


With S4Studio... there are instructions on how to do it on the forum. Be sure to leave a backup of all your files.


Honestly, I'll never merge my packages. Now I'll telkl you why, becaujse if you ever had to find them...it can make it harder I've seen to many issues with merging packages to trust it. I'd just as soon remove packages..instead of merging them


I merge and unmerge all time. As long as you're organized no issue arrise. At least I never had problems but I keep my CC organized by author


I definitely keep my merged packages organized. It makes it easier to delete what I don't want. I do have one question. How many packages do you merge into a file or rather, do you limit the amount (kb/Mb) per merged file?


I think there is a limit, sometimes I manage to merge 700 files at once... when S4S gives you an error saying that some of them could not be merged, then you hit the limit.


Which of the coolspear files should I download and add? Or do I add all of them?


Read cool instructions. The mod will not work if you don't follow cool instructions anyway


How to merge my cc? Is there any program that does this?


S4Studio http://sims4studio.com/thread/1523/downloading-sims-4-studio how to merge: http://sims4studio.com/thread/402/merge-packages-using-sims-studio


Merging packages saved me. Before it used to take me 1 hour for game to load up..And i had just 10gb of cc back then. Now I have 55gb of cc but its merged into 40 packages, and my games loads up in less then a minute. And if you keep it organised, you can easly find which file to unmerge and what to delete if something is broken.


I find it easier to find broken cc with merged packages, too... when you have 24 files containing 700 files at once, you have only 24 to sort the first time and 700 to sort the second time to find the broken one.


Great info, I only have lag loading the game, I found that if you start the game and then once the loading screen comes up turn off origin in windowed mode. Origin is the culprit for some of the lag.


Thank you so much for this information