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As i mentioned earlier, this category, and its sketches are a bit more complicated case than the previous ones. I just might draw / select sketches featuring just the right cast, not to please a single one of you, would be just my luck. Also totally on my own, i just may choose the ways everybody acts in these orgies, that nobody really likes. So, i know some of you have gotten enough polls for a lifetime in recent times, but we really need this one, to achieve the best sketches in the upcoming, last category.

We need to decide the amount of hetero/bi/homosexuality activity ratio, the balance of the presence of males/females as a whole throughout the entire sketch compilation, and simply who should be featured the most, or maybe even not at all.

I thought it would be just fine to condense all that into this one, single poll. It has three sections: (1) is for sexual orientation, (2) for male/female/other balance, and (3) for characters to be featured. As always, you can vote for multiple choices. For example, if you tick in "(1) Hetero", you support the notion that all of the Orgy sketches should depict heterosexual action only. If you leave out, or tick in all, that means you don't care. Let's say the final result will be 10 votes for Hetero, 5 for Bisexual and 2 for Gay, then there will be approximately ( 10 / [10+5+2] ) = ~6 mostly heterosexual sketches, (5 / [10+5+2] ) = ~3 mostly bisexual oriented sketches, and ~1 gay pic. And the same goes for the other sections. Of course it is very hard / not really possible to follow the results with such mathematical fidelity, but i'm gonna do my best to reflect your exact needs.

In section (3), if a character doesn't get even a single vote, then that character won't be in any of the orgy sketches. Remember, you can vote for many options at once. Don't be shy, these are gonna be serious orgy scenes, we need many characters! :D

Please notice that the LESBIAN CATEGORY POLL is online right now! I just need this orgy info as soon as possible so i can start working on the new pics.



Gotta say good we had this poll guys, maybe not drastically, but the pics will be really different than otherwise would have been. Jump in and vote before it closes!


more sonic with a harem of girls


So, cool i have finally an overall look on what all of you collectively expect as an orgy scene, yay! :D Well no chaos will be present, i somehow felt through the years that enthusiasm towards my chao stuff wasn't really all that high... and won't be there any crazy boob and dick sizes or futa characters overall, that's kind of understandable right after two previous futanari polls :D, but i wouldn't have guessed that the heterosexual option won't get a single vote. These will be moments from quite the orgy, where everybody seeks every possible bit of joy out of the others then. I've been moderately planning away the last couple weeks, but true work starts now. This is the most ambitious category, so expect some intermediate updates on how things are going, maybe spiced with some extra art that won't make it into the final poll.