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Sorry for the delay was out of town the past couple days! More Konosuba we back baby!


Akta mannen

One of the greats is back babyyyy


Wonderful World, nice. A bit of Armstrong there.


Monogatari means "story." Also, a lot of these characters were in the movie. Idk how much of the movie you remember, though lol. Arue especially stood out to me then, for two obvious reasons.


The explosion chick made an appearance in s2 of Konosuba Aqua's cult town arc, it was the scene where Kazuma was in the mixed bath and telling her don't mind me while staring xD


Ok hear me out, I have a theory. So, the pink-haired mage in the beginning used some super potent explosion magic, and was still standing as if she only cast a low level spell. Meanwhile, Megumin ends up only able to cast one before collapsing. My theory is.... HUGE TITS ABSORB THE RECOIL. Yeah? XD That HAS to be it lmao.


OH HER. Wait really??? Wait. I gotta rewatch that. One sec. OMG YOU'RE RIGHT. Mind blown. She acted like such a NPC-ass side character (who happened to be hot af). I remember the scene happened, but only vaguely remembered how the woman looked. They actually made her tits bigger lol.


I would assume that she's part of the Devil Kings army since she was on friendly terms with Hans the Deadly Slime in the hot springs episodes


IM LATE I SORRY but whooo so glad to see this, cant wiat for you guys to learn the Origins of the Mastah of Explosions and this is a Prequel/side story series so you should see some familiar faces and places and yeah as some have pointed out already that woman she met was in Season 2 of the main series, Kazuma met her at the hot springs, but word of warning as always watch out because the spin off does cover some main series things (or they do in the books) that havent happened yet in the main anime so watch out for people trying to drop names of over info. Hope you guys have fun back in this Wonderful World.