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Ayeee we skiing!



4:20 she say "gigachad"????? LMAOOOOOO. and homie screaming as he smacked the snow wall had me weak AHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOOF


13:09 THE BOOTS. I just read about them today 🤣🤣🤣 (Also senpai and his friends remind me of another posse but I can’t put my finger on it… Superbad? Ed, Edd, n Eddy? 🤷🏽‍♂️)


Wym, they celebrate Valentine's Day, too. Every romcom has it.... boys waiting to get chocolates that aren't obligatory from the girls. Then some include "White Day," which is essentially the boys getting the girls something. Don't ask me why it's called that, though.


Oh no, not Sherm breaking out the "white dude" voice lmfao. XD


before I talk about the anime I have to shout you guys out for talking about the old school sharpener, although in my class it was more about tripping the one that walked from the front of the class to the back to use it.^0^ Oh and I do have one of those pens that no one, not even my boss is allowed to touch and he has asked several times and even jokingly threatened me so I said, you give me your wallet and I'll let you use my pen and when you give it back I will give your wallet back. He didn't take up the offer surprisingly. Okay, onto the anime. ^0^ I could not watch the scene with the contact lens. It just scwicked me out so much! @~@ Also we finally got a name for Senpai! They also changed it on MAL too! Hachiouji Naoto senpai and they both have the same initials just in reverse! ^-^