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This episode was hilarious not gonna lie lmao!




Is Terrence going to make it to the next two, because those are about to go crazy


I don't understand how people can look at Wiene's adorable and innocent face and think she's hostile and a threat. Their heads are so far up their asses that they're blind af.


For them they are not willing to take the risk because there are monsters that charm their victims in the dungeon to make it easier to kill their prey so all they see is a dangerous Vouivre. We know she's safe but for everyone else a dangerous monster that is a challenge for level 3 adventurers is just in the street and could rip them in half if it wanted to so them being afraid is understandable.


Throwing this in there before I forget to mention it but while you guys ain't wrong that Syr is after him, in regards to the "Lunches" she makes for him, he has gained the Development Ability: Abnormal Resistance which boosts ones resistance to status effects such as slow or fear or Poison thanks to her lunches. That's an ability most adventurers gain as a result of repeat encounters with monsters who can afflict poison in the dungeon. The messed up part is that Syr can make normal food she just makes Bell "special lunches" as a way to appeal to him. As for Ryu, she actually cant cook very well. She made Bell a sandwich once cause Syr woke up late and Bell was on his way to the dungeon so she made it for him in Syr's place and she burnt the hell out of it but Bell took a bite right in front of her and told her it was delicious and thank you. (Bell a lvl 99 chad sometimes)


Ep 10 the rising action. For this episode there was once again not too much missing only big thing is that the few skirmishes were a bit bigger but looks like they kept them smaller to save money I would assume. For the only part I want to add to the scene when Bell was getting publicly murdered by his angry harem members there was a few little bits that made it funnier. 1st part was when the dog girl Naza, also she is in Miach's Familia not the one you were thinking of. the Alcohol guy is Soma and he was Lili's former god but when Naza was petting Bell's head, Aiz actually was leaning in trying to hear them and when she saw him getting petted she started to mime it and I quote from the Light Novel "Unconsciously, her own hand stroked the thin air comfortingly, like a little girl whose pet had been taken away from her." And at the end instead of asking if Bell was a Delinquent she just straight up said "Is Bell a jerk?" other big part would be when Welf and Mikoto ran into Gareth (the big dwarf) Gareth had a lot more backup with him including Tiona and Tione (the Amazon sisters) so that scuffel was a bit bigger but thats it for now. I am so glad they kept that part with Bell in because that part is just great and cant wait for next week's episode. Glad to see you guys are still enjoying the show and cant wait for next week. A final thing I wanted to ask though was have you guys watched the Danmachi movie already? I remember seeing it on your watch list but I haven't seen it be uploaded yet so just curious if you guys have gotten to it yet.


Oh I must have missed that. Ah it's in the $10 tier that's why I missed it


dunno, but she found a way to burn the whole thing. Bread Meat and whatever else was on it.