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Ah man, Lakan's backstory is pretty messed up.



that is a depressing backstory for lakan bro and to think he just wants to be with his daughter yet she despises him off of events that werent his fault


I felt so bad for hatin on Monocle dude the whole series and then to find out that he had it rough too. It's why you can't trust anime man. You think you know and then they flip the script on you. 😂 Oh and to answer Terence, Lankin was probably not even given a chance to send anything. Also he thought that it would be a trip around the block for 6 months do even if he sent something he was gone so much longer. 🤔 Also she set him up for the pregnancy. It's why she dictated when he came to visit next. She knows her time of the month and the danger zone. She wanted it to happen so he could buy her out at a cheaper price but when he never came back...well you can figure the rest out. 🤓