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Hello Everyone!

Well, the poll finished yesterday and it had some... interesting results xD.

A tie... between 6 characters x-x.

So, I thought the most fair thing to do was to make a decicion wheel to randomly decide who will be tickled this month~.

That's for this month =w=.
For the next moth I'll make another poll but with the 5 remaining characters uwu.

What do you think?~

Please, let me know, your opinion is very important ^w^.

Anyways, just as the video shows, this month's winner is: Malt from Fuga: Melodies of Steel ^^.



Wiw me was annoyed when Toothless and Stitch had a tight in my poll but you have succeed yo get a tight between 6 characters ? OwO.... Well at keast we have a winner X3, and i no have any problems for the next poll be on the 5 remaning ^w^ ! Hope just this time they'll not get an other tight XD