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Hey everyone! Today is a special day and I want to congratulate all of you on this wonderful New Year's holiday! I wish you more positive emotions in the coming year, so that everything you planned goes strictly according to your plan, fewer toxic teammates and more skill ones, and that you win even playing for the jungler Aphelios 0/20. I also want to thank everyone who has ever supported me on patreon. Thank you for being you, your support always motivates me to return to my hobby more often. Merry Christmas everyone!



Likewise, your art has been a great motivator and I wish you all the best


Merry Christmas to you as well! Thank you for all your work this year, and I hope you have a great holiday season. Please do not put that 0/20 Aphelios curse on me though :(


ahahaha, the curse is irreversible, as they say, if sex is inevitable, relax and have fun :D I still remember one of my very first League games on a friend's account playing jungler Aphelios, I just told him pick me the hardest character and I'll easily win this game. I fed in every fight, but at the same time I also managed to help kill opponents. How pissed off my hardlaner was when I was in lane with him instead of farming the jungle. The final score was 0/17 and we won easily. You should have seen the face of my friend, who wondered why, when he plays in his team 4 armless disabled people, and in my case, all four esportsmen. I laughed out loud then