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Hey everyone! I hope you're all right, I'm fine. In our country, everything is unchanged, the Russians are trying to kill us, but we are not dying. Due to the shelling of the critical infrastructure of Kyiv, sometimes there is a problem with the light in my office, of course, everything is quickly repaired, but our management is going to send everyone to work remotely. I will return back to Odessa. In my hometown, I will be safer, now there is the most modern air defense, and the enemy fires at it less often.  

I've been a little unwinding this month by drawing several works at once, so there has been a slight stagnation in posting content. At the end of the week, or at least on Monday, I will post an illustration with Kaisa, it is almost ready. For now, I'll show you the commission I made this month.




Slava Ukraini! Good luck and stay safe brother.


I hope this ends quickly, stay safe mate greetings from spain.


Hello, thanks for your support! This war can be very long, these fascists are ready to die of hunger just to kill us. We hold on only through the unification of the whole country and the support of the West. But it is possible that the war will end as soon as we win back at least one of the cities (Kherson or Lugansk) by killing their army. Russia is already bad with weapons and ammunition, and there is a hard winter ahead. Evil must be punished.