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Hello everyone, I want to share with you about sore. As you probably know, I live in Ukraine, Odessa. Now we have the fourth day of the war with Russia. Specifically, in my city, everything is relatively calm, periodically there are battles with saboteurs, sometimes rockets fly that shoot down in the sky. But in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and Nikolaev the situation is bad. In Kyiv and Kharkov, the worst. Against this background, I fell into severe depression, I absolutely can’t work, draw, play something, I can’t stop thinking about what is happening in the country, that my country is being destroyed, that my people are being killed and that it is do those from whom I certainly never expected this. Today I felt a little better, it seems that I have begun to get used to it, this is a terrible feeling. I am very glad that the whole world sees the true aggressor and supports my country in this terrible war.

In the next 6 hours, negotiations should take place between our side and the Russian side on the banks of the Pripyat, I really hope that they will agree, stop sending their soldiers to certain death and leave the fuck from my land. By the way, most of their troops are cannon fodder, whose recruits were taken into the army this fall or spring, now many of these are being taken prisoner, they were deceived to the border saying that they were going to exercises, and then simply thrown into Ukraine to kill our soldiers, here it is the true face of Putin, a bloodthirsty killer who spits on his own people and the whole world, hiding behind a "noble goal."

For 30 years of independence of our country, it has always been divided into two parts, one aspired to Russia, the second to Europe. Against this background, we had constant political instability and because of this there were two revolutions, after that we lost Crimea and gave Russia the opportunity to make a militia in the east of the country, because of this we had an 8-year war in Donetsk and Lugansk, which further torn the country apart. But as soon as Putin came to Ukraine with a war, we all immediately forgot about hostility towards each other, about what separated us all this time, and now the whole country supports our soldiers with everything they can, someone transfers money to the army, someone he brings food, medicine, donates blood, helps everyone in any way he can. The whole country has become one! Do you know why? Because we are on our own land, it is they who came to us to destroy and kill, and we defend what is dear to us.

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I am sure that victory will be ours, it will be a bitter victory, because in this war we are losing a lot and this war could have been avoided if the Russian people were as brave as ours and would not give Putin 20 years to seize power in the country. As history shows, all empires are collapsing, the Russian Empire will not last long.

Thanks for your support! Your Longeron

Слава Україні! 


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