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Hi everyone!

It has been a while since our last update and the new update for School of Lust that we've been working on has been a challenge ಥ_ಥ . It became clear that the majority of the content that we've been working on these past few months won't be ready for release in March. However, as it has been so long since our last update, we've again decided to release what's ready to play right now.

The new version 0.7.2 update is now available for download on the Download Portal to all (level 10+) Patrons.

This new update exclusively focuses on main story content, which is unlocked inside the final room in "the Hole". The update also completes the previous quest(s) that require you to enter "the Hole" and includes new revelations that should be interesting if you're interested in the main story.

There's also a lot of bug fixes in this update, including a greatly improved "projectile collision detection" during combat in the Hole. We'll have a detailed changelog with the release of version 0.7.3 which won't be as long of a wait.

Please note that this update includes a new mini-game that is still a little rough on the edges. If you encounter an issue where the mini-game just moves so fast that you can barely react, it's probably due to you having set "Sync Monitor" to "Off" on the options menu. You need to set this to "auto", especially if you're on a medium to high end computer. Here's where you can find it:

The "Sync Monitor" setting is set to "Auto" by default. It basically makes sure that the game runs on 60 FPS and not higher, because anything higher can cause all kinds of issues like animation skipping, characters getting stuck or even making mini-games unplayable. This setting should only be set to "Off" by players who are on very low end computers that can not reach 60 FPS in-game.

As always, we've made sure that the new update is backwards compatible with all save files of prior versions of the game. This was a pain in the bottom, because the new changes we've done were initially not compatible with older saves, but after some extra adjustments, save files should (hopefully) all be compatible now. To restore your old saves, copy/move all the files from within your /www/save folder of the prior version of the game to the same folder inside the new game folder.

If you've lost your save files, or if you want a fresh new batch, you can use the following save files:

From the v0.6 release: https://www.bonergames.com/p/v0.6/save.zip

From the v0.7 release: https://www.bonergames.com/p/v0.7/save.zip

All you have to do to install the new save files is to download one of the two options above, unzip and copy all files to your new /www/save folder. Please note that this will overwrite any existing saves, so please make sure to make a backup of your own saves first.

The v0.7 save files are brand new and have most of the memories, excluding a few new ones, unlocked. If you want to go back a little further, then we recommend using the v0.6 save files instead, which has about 20 memories still unlocked (in version 0.7.2). After you install the save files, you can change the name of the protagonist by interacting with the computer in the main bedroom and turn futa on/off by interacting with the fortune teller.

If you find any bugs, notice any grammatical errors or want to give us feedback, we would appreciate it if you could let us know by replying to this post, sending us a message here on Patreon or e-mailing us at contact@bonergames.com.

Please stay tuned for the version 0.7.3 release soon, which focuses on h-content!

As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cheers =)

BG Team




really loved the punch out sequence but overall this update felt very underwhelming from a consumer aspect, now i work game dev, i understand a small team like you this probably took a while just assets alone, overall im glad for this short but sweet update. still waiting for Aiyana's ritual to be done lol, keep up the good work


Hi tristou! I can totally understand that. It's certainly one of our smaller updates, even though the boxing mini-game took a lot of our development time (as we went for animated sprites). However, it's not the only content that we've been working on. We just knew we had to release something for you guys, or it would've been too far in between the updates. We plan to release another content update very shortly (as soon as the scripting is done). I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Cheers =)

Tomasz Raczkowski

I'm stuck at the stage where I have to enter a name from a list. :C


Hi TR! The name is "Flora". We'll change this in the upcoming update so after failing to enter the name it will give you a hint. Cheers =)


You are one of the worst programmers I have ever seen, every interaction sequence you have made sucks. Just stop with this stupid interaction scenes, you can't make a balance game if even if you want to. You don't know how to balance shit and you are a fucking retard milking people from this game.


Instead of calling us names, why don't you explain to us how you would balance it correctly? And what other interaction sequences did you not enjoy? That information would be a lot more valuable to us than your unnecessary angry rant.