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s Hello all, and sorry for the radio silence. I would never want to keep anyone waiting on art, but there has been some drastic life changes that have taken all of my time and Im sorry it has taken this long to update you guys on it.

As some may know, I have been in the middle of a move for the past few weeks. I moved out from my parents to my first ever apartment, and things have been hectic to say the least. I've had to do most of my moving myself, including cleaning, moving and assembling furniture, as well as cleaning out my old place, and it has left me with no time to work on anything beyond the move. But, on top of this, I've also been preoccupied with...

...Anthony moving to Finland! We were finally able to find a gap for him to slip trough during these Coronavirus Times (tm), and he's also moving to me in my new apartment this Sunday on the 9th! So on top of my move and trying to figure things out, Antsu is also travelling here and I've been trying to multitask and sort things out for his flights, permits to enter trough different countries, etc. so this all has left me very exhausted. Elated, but exhausted.

Once Im able to make the journey to pick Antsu up from Helsinki and drive us to my home, we will be quarantining for the two weeks in our new apartment, and I will do my best to get back on the track with commissions and Patreon stuff.

I offer my deepest apologies for the recent delays, and Im doing my best to get back to the swing of things and content out as fast as possible, but I hope for everyone's understanding as alot of life changes have happened to me at once during the past month and I havent even been able to hook my computer up until today.

Thank you to all of you guys, for making this and much more possible for me, and I will come back very soon with more art and everything that I've owed to people.



Hartenas' Den

Happy news! The delays are understandable!

Shiny Umbreon

I'm sure once Antsy gets there he'll be able to help you move things along too, which is another thing to look forward to


I always assumed Anthony was from Finland aswell. Wish you both the very best !


Totaly fine. i hope things work out for both off you and take your time anni.