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Hilda this time.

정말 긴 휴식이었지요.
기다려주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 😭
It was a really long break.
Thank you so much for waiting. 😭

여러분들의 응원과 사랑 덕분에 기운을 차리고 다시 그림을 그릴 수 있었습니다.
Thanks to your support and love, I was able to regain my energy and draw again.

제가 말솜씨가 부족해 댓글에 답글을 달지는 못했지만
여러분이 달아주신 모든 덧글에 정말 큰 힘을 얻고 있습니다. 💪
Although I couldn't reply to your comments because I'm not good at talking,
I'm really encouraged by all you guys's comments. 💪

앞으로도 열심히 그려나가겠습니다.
I'll do my best to draw.

정말 감사합니다! Thank you so much! 



Kenny Johnson

Welcome back Woo! Glad your feeling better and blessing us with a beautiful fat ass Hilda!😍 Keep up the great work and don’t be afraid to take more breaks if needed❤️


Glad to see your fairing well Woo


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