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It's here! -->https://gum.co/Sal2021 <--

Also, surprise! I set up a gumroad that has all the other folios. Should make things easier than what I was doing before. https://gumroad.com/spelunkersal

Once again thanks to everyone for another great year of content. :) Just gonna copy paste what I'm gonna put on the public post here for info's sake:

Sal's 2021 Art Folio! Containing all* art from January 2020 to January 2021! This year's folio contains 872 images, all in uncompressed, high quality PNGs! My poster boy for 2021, Hiroshi the Tanuki, is also included, in fundoshi and nude alts and phone wallpaper crops! 18+ only!!
SPECIAL OFFER: If you have been a patron of mine for 6+ months, contact me via Patreon DMs or email and ask for a discount code for 20% off! If you have been a patron of mine for 12+ months, contact me at via Patreon DMs or email for a discount code for 50% off!
*Does not include Patreon rewards.

Ya'll are on Patreon already anyway so you have access to all the rewards that aren't included on the folio, so here's some handy tags!

Pinups - HD Pinups - Mega rewards - Ultimate rewards - Stream sketch content - Roommates stuff - Rule34 

And here's Hiroshi in case ya just wanna check 'im out or in case ya missed 'im: Standard size - HD size 

Thank you, all! And thanks for considering a purchase of any of the folios.



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