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The past couple weeks have had us mostly doing our final arrangements for our time here in Arizona, and getting things packed and shipped, and our car ready. It's been pretty busy.

I want to thank everyone again who are supporting me right now for sticking with me during this drought of activity for me in terms of Patreon artwork. I really appreciate you all, you're all helping me so much right now with your support and patience.

Tomorrow my husband and I are starting our long several-day drive to our new place in NC. After we get there it'll be a couple days of checking hte area out before our stuff arrives from the shipping company, then the mass unpacking and settling in actually begins sometime next week!

I'll let ya all know when we get settled and I'm actually able to get back to working normally again. :) Keep up with me on my personal Twitter @SpelunkerSal if anyone is interested in doing so while we make our way over there. ^^

Thanks again and hope everyone has a great week and start to October!



Goodluck on the move!