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First of all an apology for making you wait with an update message

Guys, I haven't been active recently, specially this last week.

I've had health problems lately, and they've gotten worse than usual, I thought I could handle this and recover soon :(

My hands have worked a lot on various projects this month and unfortunately I injured my left hand, but my right hand is also in pain. Unfortunately I have carpal tunnel syndrome for about 4 years, and in recent months I have been a little more obsessive at work, just as I usually take refuge in video games once I have free time. And I am aware that this only hurt my wrists more, but I just keep doing it, maybe it's the depression and things from the past that still haunt me, I'm not well, and my mental health is not well either, and this is affecting my decisions and my life in general.

The pain spread to my neck and I had a headache these last few days, this has been serious and I have stopped my life routine of bad habits these days.

I'm writing this because I feel better and I need everyone to know it. Also to let you know that I will be updating how I feel with a new routine and I want to get better soon.

Apparently my problem only has 2 solutions, one is surgery and the other will be to change my life full of work and bad habits, so I will have to change and I know it will be a long road but I have to do it for my own good, I want to recover and not have pain at any time. Living with pain is horrible.

About the next month here in my Patreon:

I will not be drawing and I will pause the month, this means that Patreon will not charge you, I will update the folders with the pending files for this month (April) but slowly during June.

Doubts about the Patreon subscription payment:

Tomorrow (May 1) Patreon will collect rewards made in April but will not collect on June 1. because patreon forces the artist to work first and then charge the user.

If you entered this month (as new patron) and paid already (1 payment by 1 reward), then you shouldn't pay on April 1st, okay? Please let me know if this happens.

Any questions or complaints you have about a payment, let me know!
A message to the artists who are here, please take care of your body, especially your hands. Dedicate your life to being happy and don't get obsessed with something. A bad habit can bring problems in the future, look for tips to take care of your hands before drawing like massage or stretching exercises.

Thank you very much for your support dear patron ❤️



I'm sorry to hear that man, I had carpal tunnel syndrome 17 years ago and the surgery changed my life completely, so don't doubt about it because it's the only real solution to that problem. Carpal tunnel syndrome keeps getting worse over time if you don't treat it, I took longer than I should and to me it got to a point where it was hard to just hold the mouse without feeling pain. Exercises can help but the surgery is the best option. The recovery will take several weeks and will leave you a scar on your wrist, but when you heal you'll see the big difference. And I imagine that the surgery procedures now must have improved in 17 years, especially because carpal tunnel issues are very common now. After that, exercises will be good to reduce stress in your hands and also a good posture when sitting helps but the main problem will be fixed. I hope you be alright, take care!


Oh man, so sorry to hear that you're going through such ordeals. Don't worry about the Patreon stuff. Rest up. Do whatever you can to heal yourself. Then, you can focus on your works once more. There's really nothing else I could do but only hope and wish that you get better. Stay strong and take care.

Thomas Brown

Thanks for this message, and I'm glad you are focussing on your health and wellbeing. I hope you can take care, get a well deserved rest and looking forward for whenever you return, Thy😊


I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with Carpal Tunnel, it's something you always gotta take seriously. So I'm glad to hear that you'll be focusing on your health. Take the time you need, and I hope things turn out well for you!

Erian Zoutman

even though i still would like to have my hands on a copy of zillaxkong, i live in europe, so i never had the chance to get one through kickstarter, i agree... health is more important. take care of your health, i hope you'll be able to come out of it better then ever!!

Vlatka dzhoshua

Allowing your body and mind to heal is important. Best wishes. Also I think I was still charged for the month of May. Anyone else?