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  • ZIP FILE SIZE: 88 Mb
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Thank you very much for participate with me during April guys! 



Guys, they are going to demolish the apartment where I live now :( I need to look for a new place to live and that will be in Mexico City, I am researching the best apartment in that place, that will take time and the big move, boxes, etc

I won't be able to do a good job this month if I stay here, I'll pause May and you won't be charged on June 1st. Please have a great month!Guys, they are going to demolish the apartment where I live now :( I need to look for a new place to live and that will be in Mexico City, I am researching the best apartment in that place, that will take time and the big move, boxes.

I won't be able to do a good job this month if I stay here, I'll pause May and you won't be charged on June 1st. Please have a great month!




Este mes fue INCREÍBLE en términos de comisiones. Te mereces un descanso. Lamento escuchar que demolieron su apartamento. Esto ha sido un problema por un tiempo? Le deseo la mejor de las suertes para encontrar un nuevo hogar adecuado donde estará sano y salvo. Also, please take care of yourself in general. Enjoy your pause from your job, dude.

The Partitioner

Why is your place being taken down?


the owner here wants to use this place for some project that I don't know about. fsince a month they have been breaking the walls of the houses next to mine but I didn't expect him to tell me that he would demolish this apartment too. Either way this news causes me pressure, I have to make decisions very soon from now on.


Van a demolerlo, aun no pero ya me avisaron que lo haran, asi que tengo la presion de cambiarme antes de lo planeado. Siento que las cosas pasan muy rapido pero debo adaptarme a los cambios para que todo salga bien, gracias espero que todo salga bien amigo.


Bueno, eso es extremadamente descuidado por parte de la gente detrás de la demolición. Estas son las vidas de las personas a las que están afectando. Encuentre un lugar asequible que también proporcione las necesidades básicas. Cuídate, Thy. Recuerde actualizarnos de vez en cuando durante esta pausa.


Yikes, your living situation definitely takes precedence! Hopefully you find a new place swiftly and without too much stress!


Caray! Que pena que siempre hay complicaciones. Espero que puedas encontrar un apartamento a mudarte y que no sea tan duro hacer la mudanza