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Guys this month was a bigger nightmare than the other months, with that frustration about my mother's illness, finally I want to give you the good news that she was well from surgery and is hospitalized, to soon return home.

This happened last week, my sister was helping me to take care of her in the hospital for a few days, it is very complicated because a relative must be 24 hours with her in the hospital, this week I also spent a few days, I am still tired of everything that happened , mentally exhausted but relieved on the other hand.

Thank you very much to all who have supported this month and I am back, everything has returned to normal. Although the hospital was financially expensive, I have a pending debt and I will work to finish paying my debts. It was painful for my pocket but, it is my mother's life and I have to think positively, I can only continue working and I thank you very much for your support.

She is taking a diet now, only juices because the surgery was on the stomach, her body still cannot accept solids, little by little she will be recovering, I wish very soon~!

Thank you again for support this page! - Thy



I'm glad to hear she's well … Take your time diving back into work and take care of yourself too!


I'm relieved to hear that your mother's surgery went well and she's recovering. Now everything is about to go uphill again <3


Good to hear everything's steadily getting better, I desperately hope it stays that way :)


That's a wonderful news man so I hope everything goes in the best possible way for you all. My very best wishes and take care man!!


Hope everything gets better for you.


That is good news! Hope everything ends up well for you, Thy.

Hank McCoy

Awesome to hear that, Thy. Praying for a safe and speedy recovery for her as she heals :)