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Hey - just a very short note to say sorry it's been a little quiet, I've been unwell. I'm a bit better today but not 100% yet, but hope to be back to creating and sharing content soon. Thanks!

UPDATE 2024-01-28: Unfortunately, just as I was starting to feel better my dog had a health relapse. I went about three days without getting proper sleep and that combined with the stress made my own health a bit worse just as I was recovering.

Thankfully both I and the dog are doing better today, but things are just a little touch-and-go, so I'm thinking carefully about whether I want to stay open in February. I don't want to pause my Patreon and then find it very difficult to get back into creating in March and have one month's pause stretch to two or three or four. If I do choose to keep my Patreon open, please be aware that February may be a bit slower content-wise.

I'll think about this and post to let everyone know either way. Thanks for all the well wishes. :)

UPDATE 2024-01-31: Sorry for not having updated before now - I received some bad news and it's kept my mind and time elsewhere. I'm really sorry for the last minute notification.

I just wanted to say that I'm going to stay open for February. It may be a slower start, but I think it will do me better to keep communicating, keep on working on projects, and try to give myself both a creative outlet and a distraction from the stress of the past week and a half.

I completely understand if anyone feels they want to cancel their pledge given the end of January has been lighter than I anticipated. I appreciate all of your support and I look forward to being able to share some fun content again soon. Thank you!


True AI

Take it easy, and hit me up if you want to chat or need anything. I'm here.


I hope that everything is ok now. Take care