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This update affects five pairs of shorts for male sims:

Loose shorts
Short shorts (male style)
Short shorts (female style)
Denim shorts

Track shorts

Each of the shorts has a custom bulge. I purposefully wanted them to be a little different so your male sims aren't running around with the exact same bulge shape. I'll probably try to add in some more VPL shapes for underwear going forward, to get variety in there as well.

Two are originally feminine shorts that the game makes available to male sims by default, but they have unique meshes that shouldn't affect female sims wearing those shorts.

Somehow I only discovered today that some of the male clothing bottoms have a weird distortion issue when a sim is at the highest weight or has their belly pulled the furthest forward. I've fixed the issue for the clothes included in Better Bulges. You can see an example of the problem, and the fixed version, in the pictures above.

NOTES: Better Bulges will impact female sims wearing masculine clothing. I'm not a fan of the game's gender auto-conversions so I never really use them, but if you do you should be aware of this before you use Better Bulges.

Better Bulge overrides are separated by pack, so you can delete the ones you don't own and install those you do.

You can remove this file at any time and it shouldn't cause any problems. Your sims will just be wearing the non-bulge versions of the clothing.

The zip file contains all Better Bulge files for all DLC. You can replace any versions in your /Mods folder with these.



Blue Nerd

Thank you so much for doing the cutoff shorts! Please consider adding a VPL bulge too, for the Frank+ sims :D


Hey - do you mean the VPL shape I use for a lot of my underwear? I can try, it depends on how the texture looks when it stretches over the bulge shape!

Blue Nerd

I commented on your VPL underwear a few weeks ago, asking for big bulges on the shorts, and some thought they would look stupid. Then you added bulges to shorts and everyone seems to love them. So yes, if you could make the bulges a bit more pronounced, I would love to see that :)