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SimMotion now includes motion for loungers! Today's update adds motion to the following activities:

- Relax
- Nap
- Drink on loungers
- Get on/off loungers

- Sunbathing
- Applying sunscreen
- Super splash! (for float loungers)
- Splash reactions (for float loungers)

The sitting interaction on the side of the lounger is unedited, because it's part of the game's overall "sit posture" which I'm still working on. Sitting still looks a bit messy despite my alterations to SimpleGens; the pelvis rotates so far down the penis has to stretch up a lot and doesn't look right. I'll include this in an update with other sitting animations.

There are two packages, one for the base game animations and one for the Island Living ones. I think the sunbathing is IL content, but I own the pack so I can't confirm that. If the base game lets you sunbathe, please let me know and I'll adjust which animations are part of which pack!




Should we install both packages?


You should install the packages that correspond to the content you own. The main SimMotion file includes all Base Game content; the Island Living one, all that content. If you don't own IL and install the file, it probably won't hurt your game, but it would be unnecessary. Sorry that wasn't clearer!


Glad to hear that you're working on the sitting poses. The weirdest thing for me is when a sims penis just decides to break all known laws of physics and merge with the upholstery. I did find myself wondering why you hadn't done this already, but thank you for explaining the difficulties. I wish you the best of luck


Thanks! I hate the penis clipping the furniture - sitting poses are one of the things I want to change most badly, to be honest. But I also don't want to put out an override that doesn't actually look very good. If I can't make it look as good as I think it should, I will resort to putting out a "second best" version that at least tries to keep the penis out of the chair as much as possible!


I'm so glad for this update, and looking forward to the future ones!