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Since I started modding, I've been asked repeatedly about adding movement to the penises I made. Not during sex, but during everyday activities: bathing, running, breathing, etc. I decided to bite the bullet, and started a project I'm currently calling SimMotion.

There are a bunch of questions/answers below. If you don't want to read all the text, skip to the end for a 'TLDR'!

What is SimMotion?
An overhaul of official game animations to add movement for extra sim body parts.

Aren't there other mods like this?
I know of a few, yes, but mine is different in a few ways. The main difference is SimMotion will focus on male and female parts, not just on breasts.

Does this add physics to the game?
No, which is a core component of some mods like this. I have huge respect for other modders, so I'm not trying to crap on anyone's work, I just don't like the effect of the physics mods I've seen so far. My approach means hand-editing the animations, which I think keeps them a little more realistic. I hope you think the same.

Is this compatible with other body movement mods?
It's not compatible with any mods that override animations, so you will need to choose one or the other. I don't know about compatibility with physics mods, because I don't use them in my game.

Why is there an updated SimpleGens package?
In order to work with these animations, I had to update the SimpleGens so the soft penises would respond correctly. I also made a slight texture change to the shadow behind the penis, since it looked weird when penises lifted away from the testicles. The change is minor, but necessary.

Currently, the primary SimpleGens has been updated. Updates for piercings, female penises and exclusives will be coming soon.

Does this work with other penises?
Somewhat. It's based on Denton's sim rig, which is included with WickedWhims, but I don't know if other creators' penises are weighted correctly. (My old RealGens aren't fully compatible, for example).

What animations are included?
So far, I've edited the default walk style and the associated starts/stops/turns for penises; breast movements for these will be added soon. I thought this was going to be a quick edit, but behind the scenes, there are way more animations associated with just walking than I had guessed!

Where can I see this in game?
Everywhere in live mode, and while previewing the default walkstyle in CAS mode.

What's going to be included?
That sorta depends on you! I've already started on other walk styles, and have some ideas of things that might be good to do next, but I'm also interested in feedback. What do you want me to add next?

Anything else to know?
There are thousands of animations in the game, so this could become a pretty large project. It's not something that can be completed in a week, both because there are so many files to edit and because I still have lots of other things to do and make. I tend to bounce between different projects to keep things 'fresh', and there are numerous other things I'm trying to complete.

I'm updating game animations to add realistic movement to 'NSFW' body parts. An update to SimpleGens is required for this to work.

Requires WickedWhims to work, and SimpleGens to work to its best capacity.

Unzip and add to your /Mods folder. Enjoy!



True AI

Oh, I can't wait to try this out! Thank you!


I have wanted a realistic physics overhaul for a looonnggg time so thank you!! I know you abandoned the Realistic Gens, (even though there are some designs that are my favorite), Would you be willing to update some of the penis exclusives? Would you also be willing to add butt physics? If not I would vote to work on breast physics next.


This is awesome, thanks! Can't wait to try it!


To save work it might be worth considering working with tonicmole (if they're willing), they've already added breast movement to quite a few animations. Thank you! Tonicmole has a small handful of penis animations but these look much nicer.


EDIT: It was Gui Merman Hair Animation that was the problem... I removed it and game is fine now ;) I got the orange message from WW saying it is conflicting with it... I removed the mod and reinstalled the previous version of simple gens but it still broken :/ To be more precise about it, tongue and penis appear out of place, in game and in CAS


I never understood why flaccid penises never had bones... I mean look at the potential. Anyway, thank you once again for your amazing work! The walking animation is so well done, I love it! Definitely jogging/running should be next now (and maybe swimming?). Also big thanks for the new adjusted simple gens, which can now be used to make animations with flaccid penis movement. I would rather they had all the penis bones connected, though. I would like to think we will now see more WW animations with flaccid penises, which would, btw, be more possible if the WW animation XML file had a line about which penis, soft or hard, to load (someone make turbo know).


I'm updating the old RG exclusive designs, yeah. Just a matter of time! As for other physics - butt physics would require changing the sim animation skeleton. Last I knew WW comes with a skeleton and you can't install another one or the game doesn't like it? Which is weird because with two conflicting .package files usually the game reads one and discards the other. But I'll investigate it for sure :)


Sorry, wasn't online when you sent this earlier to help, but I'm glad you got it figured out!


Thanks, glad you like them! Re: Tonicmole, not sure how all that would work given s/he has a patreon too - I assume they want to continue their project themselves. But it's an interesting idea, maybe I'll drop a line depending on how my updates go.


The tough thing for me is I'd like to change the skeleton - with a bone limit, it feels like a waste to use 4 bones for a tongue. And I bet a hard penis could manage with one or two bones less in order to give one to a soft version. But I assumed there's a problem with two rigs in the game, that they conflict rather than one overriding the other (even though other files override if they share an instance ID) - but maybe I misunderstood things I've read? The weight-mapping I've done to make this possible is a bit of a cheat. I had to rig the penis to the testicles, since they can be moved independently with L/R controls. I chose this route so the soft and hard penises could behave differently in everyday animation, rather than both be controlled by the same bone. I'd love to find a better solution to this. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to. :)


hey simdulgence, if you want to discuss a bit more about that rig, we can look into it. I'm used to modifying it and as an animator that use every bones from the rig, I can tell which bones are useless and the one that are usefull. I already added butt or pec bones to a personal rig, or even a throat bone to simulate bulge for deepthroat. So if ever you think something should be added to a rig we can maybe work together and figuring it out. In fact I just need an expert in modeling and you seems to have the thing I lack, because even if I can model, I don't know how to add texture for them yet, at least not on new objects made from scratch. I mostly modify things with gimp but the UV thing is still obscure sometimes, even if I know how it works. I personally think an animated anus is a high priority. It only need 4 bones and I know that it's very possible to replace some others bones with them.


I installed this and I can see the walking animation in CAS, but not in live mode. Any idea why that might happen?