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Sorry for the recent silence; things have been rough in my personal life very recently. My mother was unexpectedly hospitalized last week and passed away over the weekend.

I don't expect to put out any updates in the last week and a half we have of February. I don't know what this means yet for March. I will post another update closer to the end of the month when I've decided what I plan to do.

I know I have some messages and comments that I haven't responded to, and I'm sorry that I haven't attended to those yet. I will deal with them when I'm able.


True AI

Sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need. Your family and your mental health must come first. We understand! Let me know if you need anything. I'm here for you! 👍


That is terrible news; I’m sorry that you have to go through this. I hope that you can find support from people in your life amid this loss. Take care of yourself.


So sorry, don't worry about us..


So sorry for your loss. Don’t worry about us, take all the time you need.


On man sorry for your loss! that has got to be tough 😪 take as much time as you need.

Roxanne Yap

sorry for your loss


Oh wow... i'm soooo sorry Simdulgence... I have lost people close to me too including a parent. I can imagine how you must be feeling my deepest condolences 😔


You have my deepest condolences I know what it is to lose your mother and there is no such thing as setting a time for your grieving so please do not worry about us and take what time you need to focus on yourself and family. The Sims community will be here when and if you decide to return.


I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I have also lost people close to me, so I know how hard it is, take all the time you need, we will be here when you get back.


I’m sorry for your lost 😞 please dont worry about nothing 🙏 time to need for tour self and damily


Sending you condolences and I hope you are taking care of yourself. Losing a parent is really hard. My heart goes out to you. Take all the time you need. <3


That's awful :-( Sorry for your loss and take care of yourself!

Robert Sparks

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss no rush you take all the time :(

James R Jonewell

I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take the time you need. We understand that family is far more important than patreon. Please be well and take care. All is love.

Kwangyeol Baek

If you get a sponsorship, do you update?

Kwangyeol Baek

It's going to be difficult.

Kwangyeol Baek

I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take the time you need. We understand that family is far more important than patreon. Please be well and take care. All is love.


Hope you are doing ok.